The Night Pantry – When You Need It Now

Got to have a hot cup of coffee on the way home from a party? Have a midnight spill and no paper towel? Is it after hours and you need milk, eggs, butter, bread, ice cream . . . but don’t want to drive miles for them? Want to order something special but can’t pick up until after closing time? Berkshire Country Store owner Ryan Craig has an answer to all that—his new Night Pantry, a special, walled-off section accessible by personal keycard any time the store is otherwise closed. Currently, Craig is signing up customers for a one-time fee of $15 for the card. When he has a critical mass, he will start the service. Asked if he were concerned about theft in spite of the many security measures he has in place, Craig smiled. “There is always a chance of that,” he said, “but I’m not too worried. This is Norfolk.” – Sue Frisch

Photo by Bruce Frisch: Ryan Craig, the owner of Berkshire Country Store, displays the card that lets you into the night pantry.

One Response to “The Night Pantry – When You Need It Now”
  1. Philip B Hale Jr says:

    What a wonderful idea! When I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s we never thought of locking the house. Norfolk folks took care of their neighbors. Many a time back then we had to wait until the next day when Charlie Mubarek opened his store, or Joe Palone opened the drug store to get what we needed. I loved those simpler days. Good for you Ryan, I wish more people would be like you and trust people. Most people ARE good, the others are on the news every night. I’ve lived here in Florida now since I retired from the Army in 1989, I only lived in Norfolk from 1955-69 but to this day whenever anyone asks me where I am from it is always Norfolk, Connecticut. Love to all who remember the crazy family with 5 kids on Laurel Way.

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