Community News—May 2007

Annual Town Meeting
The Botelle School Hall of Flags will be the site of the Norfolk’s annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. on May 14. Among items on the agenda will be a vote on the budget, filling a vacancy of the Regional 7 Board of Education, and voting on whether to enter into another three-year contract with the Department of Public Safety for a resident trooper.

Notable Tree Project
Spring is here and so is the Notable Tree Project. The Norfolk Conservation Commission and the Norfolk-Colebrook Garden Club have been making a list
of notable or venerable trees in town, and this list will be a part of the Natural Resources Inventory being compiled for all of Norfolk. What the commission is looking for are trees of exceptional height, spread, diameter, or of exceptional age, or an unusual variety. Anyone in Norfolk can nominate trees in these categories, and those that meet any of the above criteria will be placed on the town resource map. The actual location of the trees will not be publicized. To nominate a tree, contact Stan at 542-5423 or Pebble at 542-5448.

Norfolk Land Trust Trail Clean-up Day
This year’s clean-up day will be held on Saturday, May 19. Volunteers should bring clippers and work gloves and gather at Town Hall at 9 a.m. If you already are familiar with the trails, the Land Trust could use your help maintaining them. If you are new to our trail system, then this is a great chance to get introduced to one of the pleasures of living here in Norfolk. The Land Trust maintains over 16 miles of trails in town.

Wanted: A Special Scrap Book
After 20 years of teaching at Botelle Elementary school, Emma Hennig is retiring this spring. The school is in search of photos, kind words or drawn pictures from past or present students for a scrapbook. If you have any items related to Mrs. Hennig to share, please drop them off at the Botelle office, attention Wendy Sullenberger. Or e-mail Deadline for submissions is May 29.

Annual Memorial Day Road Race
The 29th annual five mile road race will be held in Norfolk on Monday, May 28 at noon. Proceeds will benefit the William F. Kelley Memorial Scholarship fund. Registration for runners will be held from 10:30 until 11:30 a.m. at the ball field on Mountain Road. Entrance fee is $10, tee shirts cost $12. Runners are provided with oranges and water donated by Berkshire Springs. This race is a TAC/USA certified course. Hot dogs, hamburgers and refreshments will be on sale by the Norfolk Fire Department Explorers.

Mother’s Day Market Place & Breakfast
Treat your mother or grandmother to a gourmet breakfast, shop for a mother’s day gift and support the Botelle PTO at the same time. Reasonably priced baskets by One of a Kind Gift Baskets and Asian jewelry by AIJA will be on sale. A gourmet breakfast of “stratus” and baked goods will be served from 8:30 until 11:30 a.m. in the Botelle cafeteria. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children, with 20 percent of merchandise sales going to fund school cultural programs.

Catholic Talent Show
Got talent? If you think you do, then we need you. For a registration form, contact Gerry Brodnitzki at 542-5641 or Lisa Bazzano at 542-6847. The talent show will be held on May 11 from 6 until 8 p.m. at Botelle’s Hall of Flags. Tickets are $3 for adults and $1 for children. Refreshments will be sold at the show and all proceeds will benefit the Catholic Youth Ministry.

Scholastic Book Sale
A book fair will be held May 16, 17 and 18 at Botelle School’s Hall of Flags from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be quality books sold at half price. This is a great way to encourage your children to read during the summer months.

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