Town Passes Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget

Small tax increase approved

By Bridgette L. Rallo
Norfolk residents voted to pass the budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year with little fanfare and no discussion at the annual town meeting, which took place on May 10 in the Botelle Elementary School Hall of Flags.
Property owners can expect a small tax increase of 3.81 percent, which equals a mil rate hike of .74. Norfolk’s Boards of Selectmen and Finance transferred $300,000 from the positive fund balance to the new budget figure to minimize the tax increase.
The largest spending increase is due to the assessment from Regional 7 School District and is based on a projected rise in student enrollment. During the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the amount paid to Regional 7 adds up to an additional $256,972 over last year.
One line item that looks like a big increase and is listed under Public Works is deceptive; $35,000 of a projected three percent hike in spending is covered under the Connecticut “LoCip” program for capital improvements and will be reimbursed by the state. First Selectman Sue Dyer said that the money will be spent to repair sidewalks in the village center.
Operating expenses for Town Hall dropped by six percent, those for the Town Clerk’s office came in at seven percent less than last year and the amount allocated to run the Transfer Station fell by ten percent. More savings were realized with a seven percent drop in Emergency Medical Services costs.

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