View From The Green: An EMS Building for the Future
By Matthew J. Funchion Editor’s note: In last month’s View From The Green, Executive Editor Shelley Harms challenged readers to examine the pros and cons of the proposal to construct a new Emergency Medical Services (EMS) building on Shepard Road. Her comments prompted a thoughtful and detailed response from life-long Norfolk resident and current […]
A Workshop on Solar Panels Is Held at Town Hall
By Veronica Burns Most Norfolk residents feel that their town is special, but how many actually know that Norfolk is a leader in the state? The town’s successful signup campaign for renewable energy options now stands at more than 90 residents, which makes Norfolk a state leader, because of its size. More than one […]
“Old People’s Home” Becomes Reality in Winsted
100-year old bequest comes of age By Bob Bumcrot After nearly a century, a long-awaited senior housing project is underway in Winsted. On May 24, ground was broken for a twenty-unit senior complex near the Winsted Health Center (WHC). The new facility is expected to open in the spring of 2008. Standing before four […]
Selectman’s Corner—July 2007
By Sue Dyer The town is looking for volunteer representatives to serve on two regional boards, the Northwestern Connecticut Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Northwest Regional Mental Health Board. If anyone is interested, please contact the Selectmen’s Office at 542-5829. We had many volunteers that helped in erecting the sign on the Village […]
Festival to Honor Kim Scharnberg
Norfolk resident premiers new work By Lloyd Garrison Since taking over leadership of the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival in 2004, Paul Hawkshaw and his staff have gone out of their way to forge closer ties to the community. Especially noteworthy was commissioning Norfolk composer Kim Scharnberg to premier a new work in the Music Shed […]
Photo Contest Focuses on Norfolk’s Natural Resources
The natural resources inventory subcommittee of the Norfolk Conservation Commission/Wetlands Agency and the Norfolk Land Trust have announced a photo contest open to any Norfolk resident. The subcommittee will choose from among the entries to illustrate its report, the Land Trust will fund small prizes and the Norfolk Library Associates will exhibit selected photographs. The […]
Nutmeggers Spice Up the Afternoon
The Nutmeg Writers, a group of 14 Connecticut authors, spiced up the Norfolk Library on Sunday, May 20 with a savory potpourri of poetry and prose read from their recently published anthology, “Carousel.” Robin Yuran, Co-Director of the Norfolk Library, welcomed an audience of over 40 people and introduced Claire Vreeland, award-winning poet and founder […]
Norfolk Then . . .
Waiting for the parade? Or the arrival of a train rumbling through the underpass? We don’t know what drew these children to the corner of Greenwoods Road and Maple Avenue around 1890, but fortunately the pace of life was much slower then than it is today at that busy intersection. A horse-drawn carriage is parked […]
The Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation Awards Scholarships
Four Norfolk seniors graduating from Northwestern Regional High School and Oliver Wolcott Technical High School are recipients of $750 scholarships from the Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation. Michelle Huang, Jessica Laudati, Dylan Mitchell and Michael Bell were each selected by school staff to receive the awards. The Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation is a non-profit organization that […]
BORN, a son, Noah Kurt, 6 pounds 15 ounces, to Kurt and Christina Gundlach on June 22, 2007. Grandparents are Carl and Colleen Gundlach of Old Goshen Road. GRADUATED: Daniel John Auclair, son of John and Deborah Auclair of Norfolk graduated magna cum laude from Villanova University on May 20. Auclair earned a Bachelor of […]