Help! My Friend Hit an Owl

A smalltown wildlife rescue in the age of social media By Heath Hughes BAM! Something hit my car as I was driving home on Route 44 one night last fall. The sun had just crossed the edge of the trees and it was almost completely dark. I caught a glimpse of large, white wings.  I […]

Town Looks at Creating Solar Farm

Takes first steps to creating solar array at town landfill by David Beers On the same 149-acre town property where the transfer station is located, the town farm was established by the town in the 1800s to provide food and shelter to Norfolk’s indigent population. This was a town-run residence where destitute people were supported […]

Iconic Church Steeple Set for Temporary Removal

Judged unsafe in high winds By Kelly Kandra Hughes On September 8, after its Sunday worship service, the congregation of the United Church of Christ, Congregational voted on whether to remove the church steeple. Engineers had determined that even after recent repairs, the steeple was not guaranteed to be safe during winds greater than 40 […]

A Weekend of Puppets, Marionettes and Stiltwalkers: The Greenwoods Puppet Festival

A busker walks out from behind the puppet stage, ukulele in hand, and sings a brief history of the art of puppetry. There was Punch and Judy, of course, but also Pulcinella, escaped from the commedia dell’arte; Guignol, of the sharp wit and heavy cudgel; Karagöz, the Turkish shadow puppet; and Kaspar and Gretel, originally […]

October, Keeping Green

By Leslie Watkins Most gardeners share a deep regard for nature. We enjoy living a good life with the freedom to pursue our dreams and we love to see our gardens thrive. That love often extends beyond our own gardens to nature around the world.  Everything depends on a healthy environment to work from and hopefully […]

Town Buys Passenger Bus for On-Demand Transportation

Service to start by end of month By Wiley Wood If you live in Norfolk and don’t drive, there’s good news coming this month from Town Hall. At a Board of Selectmen meeting on Sept. 3, First Selectman Matt Riiska announced that the town was preparing to buy a 12-passenger, lift-equipped bus for use by […]

Socktober is Here!

For the first month of school, Botelle fifth graders have been learning about the U.S. Constitution, our government system and citizenship. We learned that part of citizenship is being engaged and considering the needs of others in the community, whether in big or small ways. That is why we are excited to announce the fourth […]

Is Broadband for the Whole Town in Our Future?

By Andrew Thomson A few weeks ago, I sat at the counter in the Berkshire Country Store drinking my morning coffee and was approached by Norfolk Now to write an article about the initiative to bring a fiber optic connection to every house in town. As a millenial, I have realized that my age has […]

Convenience at Its Best

Berkshire Country Store to Launch “Norfolk Store 24” By Doug McDevitt We all enjoy convenience. While fishing the Housatonic River for many years, one of my convenient stops afterward was at a little corner store in Cornwall where I could enjoy a hot beverage or sandwich. It was warm and quaint inside and finished my […]

New Town Plan Imagines Downtown as ‘Campus’

Takes hard look at parking and pedestrian access By Wiley Wood With little fanfare and to sparse public attention, the Planning and Zoning Commission adopted a new town plan on Sept. 9. The document, which builds on earlier plans and a community input process that started eighteen months ago, is intended to guide growth and […]