Photographer Bruce Frisch Steps Down from Norfolk Now

Paper’s staff photographer was also its technical consultant Text by Wiley WoodPhoto by Savage Frieze Norfolk Now has always had excellent photographs. In fact, it stands out from the town papers in the surrounding area—at least in its editors’ opinion—for the high quality of its pictures. And that high quality was due in very large […]

An Important Message from Norfolk’s Office of Emergency Management

In these uncertain times, please be assured that our town leaders are doing everything within our ability and authority to keep our citizens safe. As of Mar. 26, 2020, Norfolk does have one reported case of COVID-19 and, realistically, we assume there are more. Even with this development, we are operating under the concept of […]

Coronavirus: How We Got Here

Text by Richard KessinPhotos Courtesy of the CDC The March 12 issue of Nature has two dense scientific articles on the discovery of SARS-CoV-2. Though most of the data were already available, the narrative, all in one place, is gripping. The first article describes a 41-year-old man who was seen in The Central Hospital of […]

Cleanup Day is Now Cleanup Month

Month-long individual effort replaces one-day gathering By Doreen Kelly The Norfolk Community Association (NCA) was looking forward to another rousing success for Clean Up Day 2020, which was scheduled for this April 25th. They had good reason to be so optimistic after the event participants last year collectively retrieved over 100 bags of trash from […]

Local Resident Pursues a College Education Abroad

Text by Allysia RuggieroPhoto by Savage Frieze Many Norfolk residents have had the opportunity to pursue higher education and follow a winding path toward their futures. For 23-year-old Kaelin Hester, a Norfolk native, higher education has led to astonishing experiences and travel. She is currently completing an anthropology degree completely in Spanish at the oldest […]

Social Distancing at the Ball Field

While their children tossed a ball around the Norfolk ball field, Ben Nadeau, Kailyn Nadeau, Stacey Dillard, Virginia Coleman-Prisco, and Sara Heller practice some social distancing on a chilly March afternoon.

April, Foraging in Your Backyard

Text and Illustration by Leslie Watkins Ever wonder what you would do if you ran out of food? Would you starve? There are accounts of people lost in the wilderness, famished in the midst of all sorts of edibles. We are surrounded by berries, fruits, herbs, mushrooms and greens. The trick is identification. Get yourself […]

Technology Works Hand in Hand with Tried-and-True

Congregating in Norfolk in the time of COVID-19 By Christopher Sinclair To congregate means to come together in a group or an assembly, particularly in large numbers, derived in part from the Latin root grex, meaning crowd or flock. While the physical act of congregating is currently and foreseeably off the table, the power and […]

No NIMBYism Here

We are concerned that the March 2020 Norfolk Now article, Inn Owner Withdraws Zoning Request for Bakery and Cafe, regarding the Mountain View Green Retreat’s application for a special use permit, has several inaccuracies and omits key points, thus obscuring the nature of the issues raised by the application. Mountain View neighbors want to foster and continue good relations, […]

First, Do No Harm

In discussions about exploitation of Norfolk’s natural resources, we need a deeper understanding and relevant context rather than a focus on short-term profits from beaver pelts or timber. Cutting all the ash trees in Haystack Mountain State Park in an attempt to stop the emerald ash borer (EAB), as reported in the March issue of […]