
Poll Workers Make It Happen Thank you! to all the people at Town Hall, especially Linda Perkins, our town clerk, and our registrars of voters, Phylis Bernard and Dee Perron, who worked so hard to make the election work so smoothly and safely, both for those who voted absentee and those who voted in person. […]

Norfolk’s October 2020 Weather

Fourth Snowiest October on Record By Russell Russ  It was a warm, pleasant and colorful October in Norfolk – until the end of the month. On Oct. 30, this month became Norfolk’s fourth snowiest October over the last 89 years. After a long, warm and dry fall it was quite a shock for many to […]

Community News

Beaver Management Webinar  On Dec. 9 at 1 p.m., Mike Callahan, president of the nonprofit Beaver Institute, will discuss beavers, their value, and how to successfully manage beaver-related problems when they occur. Beaver-dammed road culverts and other flooding problems are common issues. Since 1998, Callahan has personally resolved over 1,700 of these human-beaver conflicts. Callahan […]

Norfolk Then…

The Church of Christ Congregational is the picture of Victorian abundance in this exuberant Christmas evergreen display as photographed by Marie Kendall around 1900. Mary and Isabella Eldridge, daughters of the Rev. Joseph Eldridge, were responsible for many of the decorations in the church at this time. From their elaborate Italian gardens which descended in […]