Conservation Commission to Host Beaver Management Webinar

The Norfolk Conservation Commission will host a webinar on Aug. 4, 2020 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the subject of non-lethal management of beaver.  The Beaver Institute is excited to announce an innovative program for the state of Connecticut, to help property owners and municipalities resolve human-beaver conflicts non lethally. Funding is available to […]

Community News

The Norfolk Library Summer Reading Program  We invite children and families to participate in our “re-imagined” summer reading program. Prizes will be given to all children who register and complete seven of the 20 challenges. Call the library at 860-542-5075 or email to register your child with your email and receive the challenges, and […]

Norfolk Then…

William H. Moseley was a “hotel man” from New Haven when he built this house on Laurel Way about 1890. He and his brother Seth were the proprietors of the popular New Haven House and two hotels in New York: Hotel Somerset at West 47th Street and Hotel Colonial at West 81st Street. Moseley named […]

Protesters Gather on Norfolk Green

Joining protests across the country and around the world, a crowd of about 150 people gathered peacefully on the Norfolk village green on Sunday, June 8, to demonstrate against the systemic racism suffered by African Americans in the United States. Participants wore masks, and most observed social distancing guidelines. Many carried signs proclaiming “Black Lives […]

Botelle Garden Continues to Provide Hands-on Learning

It’s a small garden after all by Virgina Coleman-Prisco Over a century ago, local gardening was still the norm in rural areas and encouraged during World War I to supplement regional food supplies. Afterward, during the Great Depression, community “depression gardens” sprang up. World War II saw the rise in “victory gardens”. A decade ago, […]

Connecting to the Internet in Norfolk – Part 2

What we do with it By Dave Beers Most of us use the Internet in many aspects of our life. The pandemic is making some of those uses more vital to our health and livelihood. Many of us are now working from home more and working from Norfolk more, rather than in the city.  Starling […]

National Iron Bank Processes Around 200 Loans From the Payroll Protection Program

PPP helps small businesses stay afloat By Ruth Melville On March 27, President Donald Trump signed into law the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. At $2 trillion, it is the largest stimulus bill in U.S. history and is intended to counteract some of the worst economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. A […]

Town Lowers Its Spending in Coming Year

Capital projects put off to another day By Wiley Wood Early in the budget process, Michael Sconyers, chairman of the Board of Finance, announced his intention of reducing the tax rate at least fractionally this year, in recognition of the negative economic impact of the lockdown. The selectmen’s budget, stripped of two long-planned capital improvement […]

No Springtime Yet

Norfolk’s April Weather By Russell Russ April can have traits of both winter and spring. It is historically a month of transition between the two seasons. This year, much to the dismay of many, April was more like winter than spring. Winter indeed was giving a good effort to hold on as long as it […]

Norfolk Reopenings Follow State of Connecticut Guidelines

Individual businesses face a complex set of decisions By Jude MeadPhoto by Savage Frieze When Covid-19 struck, most places shut down or scaled back to stop the disease’s spread. The state allowed the reopening of some sectors of the economy on May 20, but the challenges continue, and those challenges are real for many of […]