Norfolk Now Thanks All Those Who Supported Us Last Year
Norfolk Now truly is a community newspaper. The support of neighbors, local businesses and even those who have moved away means so much, and the board, editors and staff of Norfolk Now extend our gratitude to you all. Molly Ackerly and Michael SconyersJune and Michael AdamsWill and Martha Agate Jr.AKC Fund, Inc.Graham and Elizabeth AllynAlice […]
Norfolk Library is Celebrated in Print
Norfolk Library Director Ann Havemeyer, also an architectural historian, signs copies of her just-released book, “The Norfolk Library: History, Culture, Community” during a reception over WIN Weekend. It it, Havemeyer examines the library’s position at the center of Norfolk town life since its founding in 1888, including the vital support of the Library Associates. New […]
Real Estate Sales
On Dec. 10, from Carleton T. Goodnow and Olivia T. Goodnow, co-trustees of Edward B. Goodnow Revocable Trust to Peter and Amy Bernstein Family LLC, 366 Doolittle Drive, for $539,000. On Dec. 16, from George Sumner Case Jr. to Jane H. Humpstone and Lee Courtney Ward, 179 Sandisfield Road, for $200,000. On Dec. 17, from […]
Around the World: Wayfaring Book Brings Two Norfolk Libraries Together
By Bina Thomson It’s not uncommon for the Norfolk Library to receive calls and emails intended for the Norfolk Public Library of Virginia. Or for the Norfolk Library in Massachusetts, or the library in Norfolk, Nebraska. It was the first time, however, that there was confusion regarding a library in Norfolk, England. A children’s book […]
Managing Tranquility: Noise Regulations 101
By Andra Moss The silent days of winter are drawing to a close, and many are anticipating the extended daylight hours and warmer temperatures that will beckon Norfolk’s denizens outdoors for a wide range of amusements. One question that came up at the Jan. 14 public hearing of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the […]
Out and About: Brilliant Colors Emerge from the Darkroom at North Canaan’s Yo Studio
By Andra Moss Photography fans will be excited to learn that Yo Studio, 91 Main St. in North Canaan, is primarily dedicated to exhibitions of photo-related work. Gallery owner and professional photographer François Dischinger, who began leasing the space last February, says he wants “to keep it very pure, photo oriented, analog oriented.” Dischinger, born […]
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, it did! What a wonderful, warm outpouring of events and hospitality from Norfolk’s organizations, individuals and businesses (as well as support from the Town) during Winter Weekend in Norfolk. We are well aware of the effort it takes to put on an event: coming up with […]
Norfolk’s January Weather
Seasonal Weather for the New Year By Russell Russ In recent years, it has seemed that winter did not get going until January or even February. This year has been more like the winters of old, when they started by December. This December was not overly wintery, but it was more like winter than autumn. […]
The Celestial Sphere
A Total Eclipse, a Partial Eclipse and the Return of Spring By Matthew Johnson Since the December winter solstice, the frigid weather has continued in the Norfolk Icebox. But the earth’s orbit is carrying us toward the warmer and longer days where we will reach the point in our orbit termed the vernal, or spring […]
Community News
Carla Francesca Parachini Exhibit at LibraryThe work of Colebrook’s Carla Francesca Parachini will be exhibited at the Norfolk Library during the month of March. The exhibit “Reflections” will include paintings on canvas, glass and ironstone plates, as well as botanical mixed media. A reception for the artist will be held on Sunday, March 2, from […]