More Than a Librarian

Chris Keyes Embraces Life, One Chapter At a Time By Rosanna Trestman Over the past four years, patrons of the Norfolk Library have come to know Chris Keyes, at least in his visible role as head of circulation. But behind the fellow checking out books is a man of many hats, including a chef’s toque, […]

Salisbury VNA To Offer Community Service Help Line

Answering the tough questions By Colleen Gundlach According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 1 million people have knee or hip replacements each year, and untold numbers of Americans will contract influenza. In addition, there are almost 80 million members of the baby boomer generation contributing to the aging of this country’s population. […]

Once China, Now Salisbury

Lisa Carter Appointed Principal of Salisbury Central School By Sally Quale Each morning about 6 a.m., Lisa Carter drives west out of Norfolk on Route 44 to Lakeville to begin her day as the new principal of the Salisbury Central School. Despite her initial anxiety, when the Board of Education offered her the opportunity to […]

Two Child Care Centers Serve Norfolk

From Famine to Feast By Colleen Gundlach After surviving several months with no organized day care programs in town, Norfolk parents will now have the choice of two licensed options operated by Norfolk natives. One is a home-based early childhood care option in South Norfolk, and the other, a center-based model on Laurel Way. Donna […]

Trying For Another Award Winning Robot

The “Gearheads” from Regional #7 Gear Up For Competition By Joshua DeCerbo Emboldened by their success in last year’s Connecticut Regional Robotics Competition, a team of over 30 students from Northwest Regional School #7 have designed and built a totally new frisbee-throwing robot for this year’s event that opens at the Hartford Convention Center on March […]

Coming Soon: Low-cost Loans for Local Businesses

Coalition for Sound Growth launches new venture with National Iron Bank By Lloyd Garrison The non-profit Coalition for Sound Growth is poised to provide modest capital infusions to aspiring entrepreneurs in Norfolk who lack the credit to get a loan that they could afford to repay. “What makes Norfolk viable,” says coalition President Vint Lawrence, […]

Arrest Imminent in Norfolk Copper Theft

Police say the perpetrators have been identified By Bob Bumcrot On the night of January 29, two men were recorded on videotape stealing copper gutters and downspouts in Norfolk. The metal was removed from the Church of Christ and other nearby sites, and loaded into a small truck. The short videotape of the theft can […]

Nemo Dumped a Pile of Snow But Never Matched the Hype

Norfolk’s roads cleared within 38 hours By Lloyd Garrison Like Hurricane Sandy, the winter storm named Nemo was tracked several days in advance and prompted some forecasters to predict a “storm of the century.” Unlike Sandy, its full impact was limited to coastal areas and eastern Connecticut. A record 40 inches of snow fell in […]

Supporting Young Artists’ Passions

The Battell Arts Foundation accepting scholarship application By Tom Hodgkin Amelia Benedict loved art from the beginning.  In her first years, it was finger painting and play dough.  Then, after art classes in grade school, her interest turned to oil painting, sculpture, and ceramic hand building.  But when she first tried throwing clay on the […]

Rising From the Ashes

Rising from the ashes of December 2011, the Norfolk Curling Club is well on its way in erecting a new building where the previous facilities stood. The Golf Drive project is the result of a major fund-raising effort spearheaded by Mary Fanette, president of the group. The old building was razed after a late night […]