Norfolk Firefighters Receive State Recognition
By Ruth Melville In honor of Firefighters Day, held every year on September 6, the State of Connecticut chose this year to recognize the fine work of the Norfolk Volunteer Fire Department (NVFD). On the quiet, sunny late afternoon of September 4, the members of the NVFD, resplendent in their dress uniforms, gathered behind the […]
Norfolk-Colebrook Regionalization Fails
Colebrook votes strongly against By Wiley Wood Colebrook voters resoundingly opposed the regionalization plan that would have brought the Norfolk and Colebrook primary schools together under one roof and one regional board. The vote count was 369 no, 175 yes. In a simultaneous referendum held in Norfolk, the measure passed by a count of […]
Norfolk Holds Final Public Hearing on Regionalization Plan
Both towns to vote this month By Janet Gokay About 70 people turned up at Botelle School on August 10 to hear a final presentation of the proposed regionalization plan for the Norfolk and Colebrook elementary schools. A similar presentation occurred the following evening in Colebrook. The two towns will vote separately on the […]
Opinion: Two Views of Regionalization
Cost Is Too High for Norfolk and Its Children By Kim Crone There are two arguments supporting the regionalization plan: that it’s good for the town or that it’s good for the children. I am convinced that it’s neither. This plan is not good for Norfolk: (1) The financial burden is higher for Norfolk. Colebrook […]
The Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation Funds Educational and Cultural Activities
Enriching the Lives of Norfolk’s Children By Ruth Melville The Laurel School, at the corner of Route 44 and Laurel Way, was a nonprofit residential school for children with special needs, managed by Ken and Dottie Satherlie. In 1985 the school closed. The leftover funds had to either be returned to the state or […]
Norfolk—A Thousand Points of Light
Improved communication channels should help town develop By Kurt Steele Noting that Norfolk has, in the words of a long-ago Presidential candidate, a thousand points of light and yet believing that these need to be coordinated, the Norfolk Economic Development Commission and the Coalition for Sound Growth are focusing on improving communications among the […]
State Board of Ed Approves Regionalization Plan
Towns to hold hearings and referendums At its regular meeting on July 1, the State Board of Education approved the Norfolk-Colebrook Study Group’s plan for consolidating the towns’ primary schools under one roof and one regional district. Official notification reached the town clerks’ offices in both Norfolk and Colebrook on July 29. In the […]