Norfolk’s March Weather
Another Cold Month, but Springtime Is Near By Russell Russ This winter and early spring continued to be cold, very much like last year. The big weather related news this March was the unprecedented water line and sewer line freeze-ups that occurred all over Norfolk and in surrounding towns. The depth of the frost was […]
The Cafe at the Top of Connecticut
By Richard Kessin Photographs by Bruce Frisch I take visitors from the city on walks through Barbour Woods or up Haystack until they are proud of their wilderness adventures and very hungry. “Can you get lunch around here?” they ask skeptically. “Trust me,” I say as I walk with them to Station Place Café and […]
Botelle Beat
By Principal Matt O’Connell On April 10, Botelle was jumping to the beat of great music for a great cause. Our PE teacher Mr. Anderson organized a Jump Rope-A-Thon to benefit the American Heart Association. Our staff and parent volunteers helped run the jump rope stations—and and parent volunteers provided healthy snacks of cut-up fruit. […]
Joel Webster, Norfolk’s Olympic Wrestling Hopeful
By Christopher Sinclair Since Norfolk’s earliest days, the people who live here have possessed both mental and physical fortitude, and are not quick to shy away from hard work. Joel Webster, native Norfolkian, has displayed an exceptional degree of grit and determination that would make any Norfolk resident proud, in the pursuit of his lifelong […]
Renewal of Resident Trooper Contract Comes Up for Town Vote
Cost Will Depend on Results of Legislative Session By Wiley Wood Voters will face a choice at Norfolk’s town meeting on May 11 whether to renew the resident trooper contract for another two years. Under Governor Malloy’s proposed budget, the state will no longer subsidize 30 percent of the cost as in past years. If […]
Regionalization Plan Update
State Board of Education Agrees to Recommend a 10-Year Waiver By Ruth Melville The plan to create a new regional school district for Norfolk and Colebrook got over a major obstacle on the road to referendum when the State Board of Education, rejecting the recommendation of a subcommittee, agreed to support the Regional School Study Committee’s […]
Board of Finance Aims at Tax Decrease
Town Budget Will Wait on State Decisions By Wiley Wood At a budget meeting of Norfolk’s Board of Finance, Chairman Michael Sconyers reviewed the town’s spending projections for 2015-2016, snipping away a few thousand here and a few thousand there, in the end reducing the selectmen’s proposal by $70,000. “I’m desperate to do a tax […]