Cook for Goodness Sake!
An Apple A Day By Linda Garrettson The best part of writing this food column is finding new inspirations for recipes. There are two months between my issues. Sometimes I get close to the deadline without an epiphany, other times I might have several ideas. For this issue my inspiration came early. The unlikely source […]
Cook for Goodness Sake!
Creating Traditions By Linda Garrettson It’s November, the month of perhaps the most defining culinary holiday event … the Thanksgiving dinner. Here’s a list of some of the most traditional dishes we all might remember: Roasted turkey with bread stuffing, mashed potatoes swimming in butter, gravy loaded with turkey drippings, jellied cranberries with those telltale rings from […]
Cook for Goodness Sake!
What to do with too many cukes By Linda Garrettson To all you gardeners out there, and to all of you who are on the receiving end of anyone’s late summer garden, you’re going need recipes for cucumbers. I don’t know about anyone else, but this was a banner year for that juicy, cooling veggie […]
Cook, for Goodness Sake!
This is so cool By Linda Garrettson It’s July, and it’s hot. The thermometer hit 90 degrees in the Icebox of Connecticut the day I wrote this article. What can we do but spend our days at Tobey Pond (my idea of heaven) or sit in an air-conditioned home? In my world food solves many […]
Cook, for Goodness Sake!
Got a (Tofu) Piccata? By Linda Garrettson If anyone reading this thinks tofu will ruin an Italian recipe, listen up. These cutlets can hold their own in any Marsala, chicken parmesan or piccata recipe. Tofu has long been maligned with complaints that range from its texture to lack of flavor. However, tofu, made from soybeans, […]
Cook, For Goodness Sake!
Where’s the Rabbit? A New Look at Welsh Rarebit By Linda Garrettson Welsh rarebit was known as Welsh rabbit in the 1700s, and had nothing to do with rabbits. It was a simple dish for the working class who couldn’t afford meat. Somewhere along the line the name changed to Welsh rarebit from “The Rare […]
Cook! For Goodness Sake!
A Peace Meal for the New Year By Linda Garrettson I think it was Einstein who said that true intelligence is the ability to see the similarities not the differences. If so, what could be a better metaphor for smarts than a good meal of regional foods shared among regional people, despite religious, cultural, or […]
Cook! For Goodness Sake!
Indigenous Wisdom in the Kitchen By Linda Garrettson It’s October and Christopher Columbus is out, Indigenous people are in. I don’t mind remembering the guy who made all those voyages across the sea when they thought the world was flat, or the fact that he might not have discovered America. My only gripe with Columbus […]
Cook! For Goodness Sake!
Oh, The Things You Can Do With Fennel By Linda Garrettson, Good Natured Cooking™ There’s limited space in my vegetable garden. My two small raised beds must be planned carefully to avoid overcrowding, while still providing a diversity of plants. I always stock up on a good variety of leafy greens, peas, cucumbers and lettuce, […]