P&Z Requires Special Permit Application for Town Farm Project
Eye on Town Government by Susan MacEachron The Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) agenda on Sept. 14 included two new public hearings and a continuation of the public hearing for the proposed Haystack Woods development. First on the docket was an application for ground-mounted solar panels at Ginger Creek Nursery. A neighbor had sent a […]
Board of Finance Explores Potential Sources of Funding for Fire Truck
Eye on Town Government By Susan MacEachron The purchase of a new tanker truck for the Norfolk Fire Department was the primary topic discussed during the Sept. 14 Board of Finance meeting. First Selectman Matt Riiska said the existing 1999 Freightliner truck has been leaking for two years and attempts to have it repaired have […]
Wetlands Permit Approved for Proposed Haystack Woods Development
Eye on Town Government By Susan MacEachron The Inlands Wetlands Agency (Wetlands), in a continuing public hearing held on Sept. 13, gave its approval for proposed work for Haystack Woods, a planned affordable-housing project on Old Colony Road. Previously, at its Aug. 30 special meeting, questions raised by Wetlands members about potential wetlands disturbance at […]
EDC Working on Revitalizing Town Website
By Ruth Melville Co-chair Libby Borden opened the Aug. 12 meeting of the Economic Development Commission with a quick review of the current state of the EDC’s budget. So far, the EDC has spent $3,100 out of its budget of $8,400: $500 on publicity for the “Fridays on the Green” events and $2,600 on the […]
Haystack Woods Road Planning Continues
by Susan MacEachron The Inlands Wetlands Agency meeting on August 2 was primarily devoted to a continuation of the public hearing regarding the proposed Haystack Woods development. The matters under discussion all related to the standards required to provide access to the development via a town road. Ken Hrica, an engineer and licensed land surveyor […]
At P&Z, Residents Show Support for Affordable Housing
by Susan MacEachron Norfolk residents turned out in numbers to fill the Town Hall meeting room for the Aug. 10 Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) meeting. The commission quickly dispensed with the first two matters on the agenda: applications for a special permit to install solar panels and for a home enterprise to sell baked […]
July Meeting of Board of Selectman
Eye on Town Government by Ruth Melville First Selectman Matt Riiska began the July 7 meeting of the Board of Selectmen meeting with an update on three capital improvement projects that that the town will pay for with state LoCIP (Local Capital Improvement Program) funds: 1. Replacing the fuel tank at the Public Works building. […]
Inland Wetlands And P&Z Review Haystack Woods Road
Eye on Town Government by Susan MacEachron The focus of both the Inland Wetlands Agency (Wetlands) meeting on July 12 and the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) on July 13 was the request from the Foundation for Norfolk Living to construct a new town road to access the Haystack Woods affordable-housing development, first presented to […]
EDC Prepares “Welcome to Norfolk” Booklet
Eye on Town Government by Ruth Melville At the July 8 meeting of the Economic Development Commission, the first order of business was to welcome Jenna Brown as a newly appointed member of the commission. Marie Lowe thanked the many people in town—including Matt Bannerman, Leo Groppo, West Lowe, Nash Pradhan, Christina Vanderlip and Leslie […]
Selectmen Updated on Town Projects
Eye on Town Government by Ruth Melville and Susan MacEachron The June 2 meeting of the Board of Selectmen opened with the board approving Jenna Brown as a new member of the Economic Development Commission. First Selectman Matt Riiska then updated the board on the status of major construction projects and other future town expenses. […]