Norfolk’s March Weather
Another Cold Month, but Springtime Is Near By Russell Russ This winter and early spring continued to be cold, very much like last year. The big weather related news this March was the unprecedented water line and sewer line freeze-ups that occurred all over Norfolk and in surrounding towns. The depth of the frost was […]
Norfolk’s February Weather
Second Coldest Month on Record By Russell Russ This February will be remembered by millions of people for a long time. Cities from Pennsylvania to Maine to upstate New York have reported that this February was their coldest month on record. These records only go back a hundred years or so, but still it was […]
Norfolk’s Weather, January 2015
Winter Is Here By Russell Russ January 2015 marks the start of the Norfolk station’s 84th year of continuous weather observations. This month, like January of last year, winter set in hard. Snow cover was scarce for the first week, but after that there was a continuous snow cover. The month ended with a snow […]
Norfolk’s December Weather and a Yearly Summary for 2014
Warm December closes out fairly average year By Russell Russ After late November’s big snow storm and cold temperatures, it seemed like winter was getting an early start here in Norfolk. Ted Childs, Norfolk’s original weatherman and founding father of the weather station, was known to say that a cold, snowy November often means that […]
Norfolk’s October 2014 Weather
Warmer and wetter than normal By Russell Russ This October saw nearly four more inches of rain than last October. Temperature-wise it was very similar to our last two Octobers. There were six days this month with scattered frost in the area, but the first frost of the season at the weather station did not […]
Norfolk’s September 2014 Weather
Driest on Record By Russell Russ From June through September this year, three of the four months were below average for rainfall. September was the driest September on record since regular recording began at the weather station in 1932. Many locations in Connecticut were in drought conditions for a good part of the summer into […]
Norfolk’s May Weather
Nothing Special By Russell Russ The month of May brought with it the final transition into summertime weather. May always holds the threat of one last parting shot of winter weather. That was not the case this year. There were no real cold temperatures and there was no snowfall. It was not a bad weather […]
Norfolk’s April 2014 Weather
Another Transition Completed By Russell Russ As is usually the case in April, winter finally released its firm hold and spring’s warmth slowly came into the picture. Very similar to last year, April began winter-like and then gradually warmed up. We started the month with nine inches of snow on the ground, and all ponds […]
Norfolk’s March Weather
Strange Weather Month By Russell Russ Winter held spring back this March. The continued cold winter temperatures were near record breaking levels, but what was really unusual was the lack of rain and snow for most of the month. After a snowy December through February period, it was odd to have such a snow-free March. […]
Norfolk’s February Weather
Eighth Snowiest on Record By Russell Russ Old Man Winter made his presence known in December, established himself in January and decided to stick around through February. No temperature records were broken, but it was a cold month. And then there was the snow. Again not record shattering, just regular and steady snowfalls […]