Norfolk’s Weather for 2012

Warm December closes out warmest year on record By Russell Russ December came in tied with December of 1996 as Norfolk’s eighth warmest December in the last 81 years. No records were set this month, but with an average mean temperature of 31.2 degrees, it was 5.8 degrees warmer than normal. The month’s high of […]

A Typical June for Norfolk

Norfolk’s June Weather   By Russell Russ Temperature-wise Junewas exactly normal. It doesn’t happen too often, but the average temperature this month (63.3 degrees) was exactly average for the month of June. There were some hotter days and even a record high temperature, but it all averaged out to a fairly typical summer month. June continued […]

Summer is on its way

By Russell Russ May continued Norfolk’s string of sixteen consecutive months with above normal temperatures. While it dipped into the mid to upper 30’s a few times, no frost was observed at the weather station, and the opportunity to finally record a cooler than normal month for a change was quickly eliminated when the temperatures […]

Finally, not a record setting month

By Russell Russ After record warmth this winter and after March’s unprecedented warmth it seemed that we would be well on our way into summer by the time April rolled around. This was not the case. March certainly pushed many plants way ahead of schedule, but April’s weather brought everything a bit more back to […]

Heatwave Sets Record

       By Russell Russ It really was the winter that wasn’t. March was our fourteenth consecutive month with warmer than normal average temperatures. You have to go back to January 2011 to find a month with below-normal temperatures. March even took it to a new level by being the warmest March in our 81-year recording […]

Norfolk’s March 2012 Weather 

Heatwave Sets Record Daily Highs in Warmest March on Record   By Russell Russ It really was the winter that wasn’t. March was our fourteenth consecutive month with warmer than normal average temperatures. You have to go back to January 2011 to find a month with below-normal temperatures. March even took it to a new […]

Our Strange Winter Continues

                      By Russell Russ The winter of 2012 continues to be a strange one. Our string of warmer and drier than normal conditions that began in December continued through February. It actually got warmer and drier. Cold temperatures and snow seem to be hard to come by this winter. February’s high temperature of 52 degrees […]

Where is Old Man Winter?

By Russell Russ Winter seems to be vacationing in Alaska and Europe this year. In many locations throughout the Northeast it was the warmest January on record. And while it was warm in Norfolk, it was only the tenth warmest January on record. Seasonal snowfall totals lag well behind normal as well.” While the smaller […]

Norfolk’s December Weather and a Yearly Summary for 2011

A warm December closes out wettest year on record By Russell Russ December 2011 tied with December 1982 for the fifth warmest December in the last 80 years. With an average mean temperature of 32.5 degrees, this past December was 7.2 degrees above normal. The month’s high temperature of 57 degrees was observed on December […]

Norfolk’s May Weather

Lilacs and laurel bloom two weeks ahead of normal. By Russell Russ The month’s low temperature of 28 degrees was observed on May 11. The high temperature of 87 degrees was observed on both May 2 and May 26. The average mean temperature this month was 58.8 degrees, 4.2 degrees above the May normal. There […]