Norfolk’s March Weather

From Snowstorm to Thunderstorm By Russell Russ The month’s low temperature of two degrees was observed on March 3 and the high temperature of 60 degrees was observed on March 28. Norfolk was nowhere near any temperature records this month, high or low. The average mean temperature this month was 32.3 degrees, 1.8 degrees above […]

Norfolk’s December Weather and a Yearly Summary for 2008

Record-setting month closes a record setting year By Russell Russ Here are the weather highlights from December 2008 as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. Norfolk 2 SW has completed its seventy seventh year of recording weather observations. The month’s high temperature […]

Norfolk’s November Weather

A fairly typical November By Russell Russ This is a summary of November’s weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. The month’s high temperature of 63 degrees was observed on November 15. The low temperature of 11 degrees was observed on […]

Weather Confirms Norfolk as “The Icebox of Connecticut”

Back to back storms knock out power for most of town By Russell Russ December’s weather started out in a deceptively quiet manner, with the first ten days being relatively normal, without much recorded precipitation. Then came the ice storm of December 11 and 12. This storm was a classic example, showing how important elevation […]

Norfolk’s October Weather

The Season’s First Snow By Russell Russ A summary of October’s weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. The months high temperature of 67 degrees was observed on October 16. The low temperature of 25 degrees was observed on October 24. […]

Norfolk’s September Weather

 Another Wet Month By Russell Russ A summary of September’s weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. The month’s high temperature of 82 degrees was observed on September 5. The low temperature of 37 degrees was observed on September 20. The […]

Norfolk’s Weather for June and July

June: Wet and Wild July: Fairly typical By Russell Russ A summary of June and July weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. JUNE: The month's high temperature of 92 degrees was observed on June 10. The low temperature of 45 degrees was observed […]

Some Like It Hot

April the third warmest since 1932 By Russell Russ Here is a summary of April’s weather recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. April 19 and 23 experienced the month's high temperature of 77 degrees. The low temperature of 23 degrees was observed on April 3. […]

Norfolk’s March Weather

A Fairly Typical March By Russell Russ A summary of March weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. The month's high temperature of 50 degrees was observed on March 26 and the low of 12 degrees was observed on March 30. […]

Norfolk’s February Weather

Second Wettest February in last 77 years By Russell Russ This is a summary of February’s weather as recorded at Norfolk’s National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Observer Station, Norfolk 2 SW, by the Great Mountain Forest Corporation. The month’s high temperature of 54 degrees was observed on February 18. The low temperature of one degree […]