Kenny Funeral Home Closes Norfolk Site

Letter to the Editor It is with great sadness that we announce that the Kenny Funeral Homes, Maple Avenue, Norfolk, will be closing its doors after 30 years of business.  It has been a true pleasure to serve the families of Norfolk and beyond during their times of loss.  The Kenny Funeral Homes has been […]


Dr. Seuss I’m writing to correct a misleading piece of information in the April article “Exiling Dr. Seuss.”  The writer states that “the company that publishes Dr. Seuss’s books decided to pull six of the late author’s titles from its publication list.”  This is inaccurate. The decision was not made by the publisher, Random House […]

Is Fiber Optic Networking Already Obsolete?

I write to follow up my earlier letter, in the October issue. Residents of Northwest Connecticut and specifically Norfolk could soon have a legitimate option for better, faster Internet without the multimillion dollar, 40-year commitment being presented by the NW ConneCT committee. As the pandemic has highlighted the need for improved Internet capability across our […]


Poll Workers Make It Happen Thank you! to all the people at Town Hall, especially Linda Perkins, our town clerk, and our registrars of voters, Phylis Bernard and Dee Perron, who worked so hard to make the election work so smoothly and safely, both for those who voted absentee and those who voted in person. […]

Norfolk Community Food Pantry in Need

Letter to the Editor The number of requests for food from the Norfolk Community Food Pantry has more than doubled in the last five weeks. Although we can’t be sure, we suspect the increase is due to the end of supplemental unemployment benefits. With such increased demand, we are in need of food and dollar […]

CARES Grants for Small Businesses

Letter to the Editor Norfolk’s small businesses and nonprofits affected by the coronavirus pandemic may be eligible for onetime $5,000 grants from the state’s new $50 million CT CARES Small Business Grant Program. Funds will be disbursed by the end of this year. Information about who is eligible is on the Department of Economic and […]

Fiber Optics Mean 40 Years of Financial Burden

I read with great interest Dave Beers’s article about the fiber-optic network for Norfolk. Although previous articles have been informative, this one gave us a peek at potential costs and who the greatest beneficiaries would be. From a project management perspective, I’m a little surprised the NW ConneCT team chose Norfolk as their implementation point. […]

Letters, September 2020

Norfolk Did It Again! When the Weekend in Norfolk committee decided to have virtual events for its fifth annual three-day celebration, it sent out word to the community without having any idea of the response it would get. After all, we were asking for something very different. True, nobody had to be at a certain […]

Letters, August 2020

Norfolk’s Black Lives Matter Protest: Responses to the July Editorial I was reading the July issue of the Norfolk Now and, at first glance, was very pleased to see that the recent Norfolk BLM protests had made the cover. However, once I began the column written by Colleen Gundlach, I was quickly disappointed in her take […]

Making Fiber Optics Affordable

I read with interest about the possible plan to bring high-speed internet via fiber optic transmission lines. However, unless the plan includes no-cost wiring to connect to users’ homes and businesses, many could find themselves priced out. We inquired to Frontier Communications earlier this year about installing high-speed cable to our house. Since the cable […]