Letters—December 2018
Many Thanks from Norfolk Curling Club On behalf of the Norfolk Curling Club (NCC), we would like to thank everyone in Norfolk and the surrounding towns for their support in making Wine on Ice V, our fifth annual wine tasting fundraiser, a huge success. We are most appreciative of our lead sponsors, Ledgebrook Wine & Spirits […]
Letters—November 2018
Many Thanks To the editor: On behalf of the Norfolk Land Trust’s Trail Race Committee, we would like to thank everyone who made our fifth annual 5k/10K trail race on Sept. 23 a huge success. We had more than 100 runners register for the races, and everyone was impressed, not only with land trust trails, […]
Letters to the Editor—October 2018
Music and Budget Cuts at Botelle We, the members of the Norfolk Board of Education, are so grateful for the recent community conversation regarding the tightening school budget. Our goal is to provide the highest level and most well-rounded education possible to the children of Norfolk. For years our budget has been flat funded. Over […]
No More Strings To the Editor: The strings program at Botelle, which will be eliminated from the curriculum next year, was something that made our little school stand out. My ten-year-old son started playing violin in second grade music class, then entered Liz Allyn’s string program in fourth grade. He loved it and had […]
Letters—July 2018
Town Plan Survey A hearty thanks to all of you who took the time to participate in the 2019 Planning and Zoning (POCD) Town Plan Survey. Your input will assist us in addressing those issues or concerns you may have for Norfolk’s future. Results of the survey will be posted on our Town website at […]
Spring Cleanup Day
To the Editor: Many hands do make light work. Norfolk cleanup day was a great success, with over 30 volunteers helping to rid our town of roadside trash. The Norfolk Community Association would like to extend a special thank-you to the Norfolk Daisy Scouts, the 4-H club members, their leaders and families. We can all […]
Letters—April 2018
Bridge Costs Your short article, “Town Braces for Bridge Repair” (Norfolk Now, March 2018), begs the question: how can a lightly traveled bridge of modest span at River Place cost $2.1 million and take three years to replace? Would have liked to see breakdown of costs in the article. Donald Black We followed up […]
An Open Invitation
The response program in Big Pine Key (see “Lending a Hand After the Cameras Are Gone” in this issue) is a wonderful example of what a group of dedicated citizens can do to help a community on the path to recovery. At All Hands and Hearts, we believe there is a real value to providing […]
Letter to The Editor
Traffic Calming: A simple solution We’re all guilty… whether we are running late, mind brimming with too many things to do or just not really paying attention because you’re singing along to your favorite tune on the radio. Speeding through town has turned into a real issue: the trucks are going so fast on Route […]
Letters—No Bear Hunting
To the editor: The July 2017 article entitled “Where Are All These Bears Coming From?” demands a response to correct misapprehensions. First, review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the subject of bear-human conflict shows that bear hunting does not reduce the incidence of problem bears. Hunters rarely kill bears that have taken to living […]