Norfolk Then…
Freight trains lumbered through Norfolk on a daily basis in the late 19th century, transporting anthracite coal from Pennsylvania. They could be more than 20 cars long and usually required a second engine or pusher to get the heavy load up the hills to Norfolk. The freight station, pictured on the right, was located about […]
Selectman’s Corner
Considering the question of school consolidation… again By Matt Riiska For several years there have been discussions regarding the consolidation of school resources with our neighboring towns and member towns of Regional 7. In the early 1990s the member towns of Regional 7 studied and developed a plan to combine grades pre-K to 12 into […]
Know your neighbor
Ralph Prisco By Michael Cobb What’s your relationship to Norfolk? I was familiar with the area, coming here to work for the Skip Barber racing series. What do you do here? I’m a mechanical engineer. I own a small business, U.T.R. Engineering Works, and work from home. We are not open to the general public but will always help a […]
Real Estate Sales
On July 2, from Aaron B. Wexler & Lisa R. Hamilton to Katherine B. Rohrbach, 32 Maple Avenue for $415,000. On July 2, from Morgen L. Fleisig & Margaret A. Lavender to Marta Lingenheld & Maxwell McLean, 245 Winchester Road for $340,000. Note: Only transactions with a monetary value are included. Transfers without consideration are […]
Community News
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid LectureThe Annual Ted Beyers Doolittle lecture this year will be titled “Got… Wooly?” and will focus on the Hemlock woolly adelgid, an invasive insect native to East Asia that is sucking sap from our eastern hemlock and spruce trees, leading to their death. Dr. Carole Cheah from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station […]
Selectman’s Corner
Summer Programs for Everyone By Matt Riiska People have often told me that I should write a book when I retire from this position, and they are probably right. With all the gossip and stories about some of the characters that live in Norfolk aside, the number of requests that come up are amazing—some good […]
Know Your Neighbor
Hilary VanWright How did you come to Norfolk? I first visited Norfolk 23 years ago and was awed by the scenery and the local appreciation for the arts. I left Manhattan to become a full-time resident in 2017. The children’s librarian (who happens to be the grandmother of my children), the waterlilies, Barbour Woods and the […]
Real Estate Sales
On June 3, from Shirky Unlimited LLC to Dominick Pietrzak, 315 Ashpotag Road, for $99,000. On June 5, from Brett Austin Robbins to Anne M. and Ryan R. Johnson, tow acres on Parker Hill Road, for $25,000. On June 12, form Margaret E. Burnett to Barbara A., Brian J. and Chrisitine Hennessey, co-trustees of the […]
Community News
Volunteers Needed—Free Concert Tickets! The Norfolk Chamber Music Festival is looking for community ushers for Friday and Saturday evenings, July 5 to Aug. 10 at the Music Shed. Ushers will take tickets, hand out programs and guide people to seats. In return, ushers receive free admission to concerts. Ushers must have proof of vaccination. Contact Tom […]