Community News

Harvest Now The Missions Committee of the Norfolk Church of Christ is participating in Harvest Now, a charity that grows food so that fresh produce can be donated to food banks in Connecticut. Help is needed. Norfolk residents who have a garden or are willing to grow vegetables for donation are asked to contact Tom […]

Norfolk Then . . .

  Meet John o’the Woods, perhaps the most well-known homeless man in 19th century Connecticut. In the course of his migrations, which spanned forty years, he regularly tramped through Norfolk in late spring and early fall, taking meals at farms along his route. The Town of Norfolk was expected to care for its destitute, and […]

Norfolk Then

While the shrill whistle and smoke of locomotives arriving at the Norfolk station have been replaced by the downshifting and diesel fumes of trucks on Route 44, the landscape of Norfolk is still marked by the railroad. There are track beds hidden in the woods, now used as nature trails, and bridge abutments can be […]

Community News for July 2013

Vegetables Needed The Mission Committee of the Norfolk Church of Christ Congregational UCC is supporting Harvest Now, a food growing charity that donates fresh produce to Connecticut food banks. If you have a garden, or are willing to grow vegetables to donate, please contact Tom Vergo at 379-3461 or The Missions Committee will coordinate […]

Norfolk Then…

Roller skating fever struck Norfolk in 1885, as it did many towns across the country. The Norfolk Roller Skating Association had 30 members that year, and the rink was in the newly-constructed Village Hall (pictured here at that time). The first roller skating rink had been opened at the Atlantic House resort hotel in Newport, […]

View from the Green

Shelter from the Storm By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo It’s been a rough year. The tragedies that have struck this country (and especially our region) in a short-time are emotionally overwhelming. It’s a rare week that brings no news of a horrific incident somewhere in the United States, not to mention what is going on throughout […]

Selectman’s Corner

Permits for Tobey Pond and the Transfer Station are available for purchase during the month of June in the Town Clerk’s Office. If you are new to town or a renter, you must bring proof of Norfolk residency. Stickers must be affixed to the lower passenger-side corner of the windshield. Permits for both Tobey Pond […]

Community News

Connecticut Trails Day Hike Take a hike with Dennis Collins of the Norfolk Land Trust on Saturday, June 1 at 9:30 a.m. at Dennis Hill State Park. Collins will lead an easy loop hike to the Dennis Hill Gazebo. Meet at the state park trailhead off Route 272 South. Email if you are interested […]

Many Roads Lead to Norfolk

By Rosanna Trestman Coincidence brought me to Norfolk. Since that time, coincidental encounters with total strangers have bought Norfolk back to life for them. Our family left New York City because, I discovered, baby strollers are exactly on level with the exhaust pipes of city busses. Also, I was a country girl. Gasping for air […]

Community News

Connecticut Trails Day Hike The Norfolk Land Trust will sponsor a hike on Dennis Hill on Saturday, June 1 as part of Connecticut Trails Day. Dennis Collins will lead an easy loop hike to the gazebo. Meet at the trailhead off of Route 272 south 9:30 a.m. Rain date will be June 2. Please email […]