Selectmen’s Corner
By Sue Dyer There will be a Republican Primary on Tuesday, August 12 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Norfolk Town Hall. The State of Connecticut will be reclaiming and chip sealing Route 272 from Memorial Green to the Massachusetts State Line beginning the week of August 4. The Town will be finishing […]
Selectmen’s Corner
Taxes Due in July; Repaving Schedule, Tobey Stickers and Sanitary Survey By Sue Dyer The State of Connecticut is preparing to mill and pave Route 44 from Memorial Green to the Winchester town line. Weather permitting the contractors will begin milling on Monday July 7 at the Winchester town line and work towards Norfolk. Paving […]
Selectman’s Corner
Hazardous Waste Day, Permits, Dog Licenses and Tax Bills Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, June 7 from 9 a.m. to noon in Falls Village. To register, please contact the Selectmen’s office at 860-542-5829. June is the time to get your stickers for Tobey Pond and the transfer station. The Board of Selectmen voted to […]
Selectmen’s Corner
By Sue Dyer It appears that spring has finally arrived and with that there will be several meetings over the next few weeks. The annual town meeting will be held on Monday, May 12 at 7 p.m. in the Botelle School to pass the budget as presented by the Board of Finance. Public hearings regarding […]
Selectman’s Corner
New Emergency Notification System By Sue Dyer The Town of Norfolk is implementing an emergency notification system in cooperation with Everbridge, a private company. The program, known as “Alert Norfolk,” is intended to provide Town Hall community-wide contact. The information we currently have for town residents was obtained through the white […]
Selectmen’s Corner
Here’s Looking at Spring! By Sue Dyer It’s been a challenging winter and I want to pass along our appreciation for your understanding. It’s hard on the public works crew but I know they do a good job and they work hard to make sure the roads are navigable. It’s budget season and the Board […]
Selectmen’s Corner
By Sue Dyer Our statistical revaluation will soon be completed. By mid-December real-estate owners will receive a notice regarding the change, if any, in assessment. For anyone who has general questions or is interested in how the valuations were compiled there will be an informational meeting Saturday, January 4, at 10 a.m. at the Norfolk […]
Selectmen’s Corner
By Sue Dyer Congratulations to Norfolk Now on its 10th anniversary. Their October 5th event was well attended and Ann Havemeyer’s introduction, “Norfolk Swept Under the Rug,” was quite a learning experience. Revaluation of all real estate as of October 1, 2013 continues and notices of assessment changes will be mailed out in December. For […]
Selectmen’s Corner
Flu Shots And Hazardous Waste By Sue Dyer Applications for fuel assistance are currently available to those families that qualify. Please contact the Selectmen’s Office, 860-542-5829, for the necessary forms. Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, October 12th at the Torrington Waste Water Treatment Plant on Bogue Road from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Please contact the […]
Selectman’s Corner
Revaluation and Hazardous Waste By Sue Dyer As required by state statute, Norfolk is currently undergoing a statistical revaluation. The Appraisal Resource Group will be traveling our roads making random exterior site inspections. If you are a senior or veteran new to town, please contact the assessor’s office at 860-542-5287 for any tax relief or […]