Around the World: Wayfaring Book Brings Two Norfolk Libraries Together

By Bina Thomson It’s not uncommon for the Norfolk Library to receive calls and emails intended for the Norfolk Public Library of Virginia. Or for the Norfolk Library in Massachusetts, or the library in Norfolk, Nebraska. It was the first time, however, that there was confusion regarding a library in Norfolk, England. A children’s book […]

Out and About: Brilliant Colors Emerge from the Darkroom at North Canaan’s Yo Studio

By Andra Moss Photography fans will be excited to learn that Yo Studio, 91 Main St. in North Canaan, is primarily dedicated to exhibitions of photo-related work. Gallery owner and professional photographer François Dischinger, who began leasing the space last February, says he wants “to keep it very pure, photo oriented, analog oriented.” Dischinger, born […]

Proposed Manor House Expansion Draws Large Crowd

Many differing views on effect of change in town center By Susan MacEachron Norfolk residents filled the Botelle School Hall of Flags on a very cold evening on Tuesday, Jan. 14, to attend the Planning & Zoning (P&Z) public hearing regarding a modification to the special permit granted in 1996 to the property known as […]

What a Year It Has Been

A successful year for GMF’s executive director By David Beers It has been almost a year since Mike Zarfos started his new position as executive director of Great Mountain Forest (GMF). He is now back working full time after recently taking some time off to care for his newborn daughter, Eila (meaning oak in Hebrew). […]

Serving the Community

Volunteers Are the Force Behind the Norfolk Food Pantry By Colleen Gundlach The Norfolk Food Pantry today serves about 60 families per week, providing food to about 800 people in total. That’s a big jump from the early years when the pantry fed an average of eight to 10 families.  “The statistics are striking. The […]

Linda Perkins Takes a Look Back

Former Town Clerk Slows Down But Stays Active By Avice Meehan Until a few months ago, the words “slow down” and Linda Perkins did not belong together. The indomitable town clerk and lover of Norfolk history was an unstoppable booster of the town, dispenser of permits and stickers, keeper of vital statistics and recorder of […]

Sweets on the Green

A Decade of Decadent Desserts By Andra Moss How is your naughty versus nice rating? Those needing to influence Santa with an especially impressive treat should grab their stockings and head to the Norfolk Historical Society (NHS) for the 10th Annual Cake Auction on Saturday, Dec. 7.     Now a Norfolk holiday tradition, the event was […]

Artist Tom Burr Brings His Torrington Project to an End

Performances celebrate studio closing By Stephen Melville Norfolk resident and artist Tom Burr organized a day of performances and exhibition at his studio in Torrington on Oct. 26, marking an end to what he has called “The Torrington Project.” For the past three and a half years, Burr has rented a vast—15,000 square foot—former industrial […]

IceBox Café at Your Services

New Dining Option Opens in Station Place By Avice Meehan Despite an 18-month delay, Peter and Marinell Crippen held firm to their vision of opening the Icebox Café in Norfolk’s Station Place as a destination for good food and coffee. And finally, that day arrived on Monday, Dec. 2—fingers crossed. For the first month, the […]

New Meanings for a Monument

Light Shines on the Memorial Green By Joe Kelly On Monday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day, a crowd of about 100 gathered for the rededication of Norfolk’s World War 1 memorial, artfully restored under the auspices of the Norfolk Community Association. It was sunny. Temperatures in the low ‘60’s. Another day of no rain. Everyone talked […]