It’s a Tough Life For Beekeepers

By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo Honeybees are not native to North America, but records show that colonies of the adept honey makers were shipped to Connecticut from England as early as 1644. Beekeeping in our neck of the woods is as old a tradition as we have, and one testament to our Yankee resolve, as beekeeping […]

On Call With The Norfolk Ambulance

By Christopher Little Small as Norfolk is, residents in urgent need of help can count on a dedicated response from trained EMTs and drivers, all volunteers of the Norfolk Lions Club Ambulance. The editors have asked Deputy Chief Christopher Little to describe his experiences. Names and details have been changed. As in police work, an […]

Kenny Funeral Homes Begin Second Century

By Bob Bumcrot To borrow from Mark Twain, rumors of the demise of the Kenny Funeral Home on Maple Avenue are exaggerated. The Home is very much alive and under the management of Meghan Kenny, a fourth-generation Kenny funeral director. Kenny Funeral Homes and Monumental Services is the oldest family-owned funeral home in the Northwest […]

Bruce Connelly and Norfolk’s Young Thespians

From “Wizard of Oz” to “Joy in the Morning” By Christopher Sinclair Norfolk has long been a woodland bastion of the arts. From the world famous music shed, to the library, to the life drawing classes and exhibitions in the art barn of the Battell Stoeckel Estate, to the many local artists and writers, Norfolk […]

A Proud Tradition of Work Camp Trips at the Church of Christ

Next Stop: Kenya By Tina Olsen At first glance, there’s nothing terribly remarkable about this scene: eight people are gathered for lunch around a table in a church hall in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. They pour water for each other from a pitcher, pass salad dressing, and chat and share stories and some laughs […]

Agricultural Fair a Success

By Sally Quale Norfolk’s first Agricultural Fair, which took place on August 24 at the weekly farmer’s market on Maple Avenue, was “a huge success and will be repeated next year on Saturday, August 14, 2014,” reports market manager Lisa Auclair. It ran an hour longer than the usual market – 4 rather than 3 […]

Music Students Perform Lively Concert For Seniors At Meadowbrook

By Geraldine Brodnitzki On the first day of the Norfolk Music Festival’s summer session, Director Paul Hawkshaw included in his announcements an invitation he had received by email from a parishioner of Norfolk’s Catholic church: “If any students would like to volunteer to play an instrument at the Immaculate Conception Church, they would be welcomed.” […]

Community Talent Provides After-School Program for Botelle Students

By Janet Gokay Life in Norfolk is greatly enriched by the work of volunteers—and the Norfolk After School Program (NASP) is no exception. Coordinated by two parent volunteers, Kim Crone and Kathy Yelsits, the program offers a potpourri of classes to any grade-school-aged child in Norfolk, not just those attending Botelle. Many of those classes […]

Fiber Optics Would Improve Cell Phone Service in Norfolk

EDC welcomes call for strong community involvement By Kurt Steele Following Kim Maxwell’s May briefing of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) about the benefits of installing a fiber optic network in Norfolk, Maxwell now believes that a significant dividend would be a vast improvement in the town’s cell phone coverage. Maxwell, who has a distinguished […]

Funkware Pottery Opens Studio and Workshop in Canaan

An Arty Place with Classes and More By Bob Bumcrot Joey Sage Jablonski marked the twentieth anniversary of her career as a potter at a gala July 6 reception celebrating the opening of Funkware Pottery in Canaan. The large and entirely refreshed building across Route 44 from Stop & Shop in Canaan now contains studio […]