Bazzano Oil Back In Business

Local Businessmen Take Over By Bob Bumcrot Bazzano Oil, an institution in Norfolk for seventy years, has resumed business under a new name, A. B. Bazzano Fuel, Inc. On August 15, Company President Alan Boucher, Vice President Bob Peterson and Secretary Jim Peacock purchased the property and assets of John C. Bazzano & Son, Inc., but […]

The Mil Rate is Down, But Taxes Could Go Up

 Town meeting quick to okay budget By Robert Pam On May 12, a smaller than usual crowd of Norfolk residents showed up at Botelle School on a wet and windy night and swiftly approved the town budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1. There were no questions, the vote was unanimous and the […]


Infinity Hall Update Given the elaborate remake of Infinity Hall, owner Dan Hincks and his all-Norfolk construction crew are relieved to have finally received a Phase II permit to proceed to the finish, giving them a clear shot at being ready for an opening night performance in the theater in late September… Runners Produce Big […]

Random Break-ins Rattle Region

 Second Norfolk home is invaded By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo For the second time this year, Norfolk was the scene of a break-in, this time at the home of Donna and Michael Adams on Litchfield Road. Their home was allegedly entered around 2 a.m. on April 16 by at least one Winsted teenager. Five Gilbert High […]

First It W as the Bees, And Now the Bats Are Dying

Ailment has scientists stymied By Veronica Burns This month in Albany, N.Y., scientists will meet in a three-day conference to come up with a strategy to deal with a strange illness that has decimated bat populations in the Northeast. Known as White Nose Syndrome (WNS), the illness develops a white fungus on bats, mainly on […]

Teaching Teens the How-to of Babysitting

How do you comfort a crying baby, change its diaper, or administer emergency CPR? For the answers, nine Norfolk teenagers undertook an intensive Red Cross training course for babysitters on Sunday, April 29 in the great hall of the Library. In a professional, firm yet kindly manner, Red Cross instructor Angie Esterling from the Charter […]

A Name Made To Be Changed

So, Just Who Are the Battell Stoeckel Associates, Anyway? By Cecily Mermann The Battell Stoeckel Associates are having an identity crisis. All too often, they find themselves confused with the Battell Stoeckel Estate. One Associate was once asked, “why did you let those buildings get so shabby?” The answer is that the Associates are not […]

Zone 4

The Challenge of Coping With Some Very Bad Neighbors By Suzanne Woods All over Norfolk in old pastures, disturbed woodlands and along stream banks, the bright young leaves of Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) have been out for weeks. Like many aggressive invasives, barberry gets going early to get a jump on its competition. It is […]

Town Poised to Ban Outdoor Wood-Burning Furnaces

P&Z seeks to protect air quality By Leila Javitch A temporary ban on erecting outdoor wood boilers is being seriously considered by Norfolk’s Planning and Zoning Commission as a step necessary to protect air quality and promote public health. Free-standing outdoor furnaces, known as OWBs, have become increasingly popular as the price of heating oil […]

Norfolk Artists to Open Their Studios to the Public

 Two studio tours set for this summer By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo Over two dozen artists from Norfolk and neighboring towns will take part in open studio days on Saturdays in June and August this summer. The artists are considering additional dates in the fall. The first open house day will be held on Saturday, June […]