Volunteers Map Norfolk’s Vernal Pools
By Shelley Harms Wood frogs began calling in early April, and a group of Norfolk volunteers were ready to begin the fourth year of mapping Norfolk’s vernal pools. The vernal pool mapping effort gets a boost when volunteers can literally follow the frogs’ calls to the pools. While it is possible to identify a vernal […]
Time to Donate Your Old Books to the Library
By Dorothy Pam The Norfolk Library Associates are happy to announce that the Norfolk Book Sale is back in business. Starting May 1, Norfolkians whose shelves and closets have been overflowing with excess books will be able to donate them once again to the annual book sale. Books should be packed in cardboard boxes and dropped […]
A Death in the Familu Norfolk Resident Trooper Greg Naylor’s 38 year-old brother died suddenly on April 19. He leaves behind two children, Hunter and Brytnee Ann. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Friendly Hands Food Bank, Inc. (FISH), PO Box 844, Torrington, CT 06790. Wood Burning Furnace Ban Proposed The Planning […]
Breaking Down the Botelle budget process
The School Year Never Ends By Ejay Lockwood With a population of 167 students, Botelle School represents the largest single expenditure in the town of Norfolk’s budget. One might wonder how that amount is justified and how the money is divvied up. A good way to understand the budget is to “follow the money,” and […]
P&Z to Offer Town Plan Survey
Planning and Zoning Commision to seek additional funding for plan publication By Veronica Burns The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) recently held a special meeting with town plan consultant, Glenn Chalder, to hammer out behind-the-scenes issues in the ongoing town plan process. First, P&Z tried to fine-tune a survey questionnaire and then discussed the town […]
Norfolk Air, Not so Clear
Litchfield County fails to meet EPA air quality standards By Leila Javitch A century ago, Norfolk was renowned for its pure and seasonally bracing air. Many people who eventually settled here came first as visitors to “take the air”. Even now, most of us who are justifiably proud of Norfolk’s natural resources would include air […]
Good Sugaring Season
Mead Reached New Record for Maple Syrup Production By Bob Bumcrot Winter Mead made 1,260 gallons of maple syrup this year, his first ever four-digit yield, at his sugar house near Yale Farm in North Canaan. He attributes the large production to a combination of good weather and improved technology. Good sap flow requires freezing […]
Norfolk’s Energy Task Force Recognized
Town leads the state in energy awareness By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo Robert Wall, director of the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF), traveled to Town Hall on April 2 to present the Energy Task Force with one of CCEF’s 2008 Connecticut Clean Energy Communities Awards. CCEF honored 19 municipalities (including Norfolk), two companies and one university […]
Norfolk Now Wins Grant For Anniversary Edition
Norfolk Now has been awarded a $3,500 grant to help produce a special literary issue to mark the town’s 250 th anniversary celebration on August 1. The award was announced by Guy Rovezzi, president of the Torrington- based Community Foundation. “The funding was made possible by a collaborative grant to the foundation by the Connecticut […]
Jim Hotchkiss Chosen as Norfolk’s Volunteer of the Year
From zoning to photography and everything in between By Colleen Gundlach Jim Hotchkiss is a person who unpretentiously goes about helping out wherever he can, but self- effacingly says, “my wife deserves the award. She put up with all the meetings.” And meetings there have been, for many years. In recognition of more than 35 […]