From the court room to the riding stable

Norfolk Couple Practices Law and Conservation Together By Bob Bumcrot In 1980, Mary (Molly) Ackerly was assigned by Shipman & Goodwin, her Hartford law firm, to take a young job applicant named J. Michael Sconyers to lunch. They liked each other from the start, began dating in 1986 and got married on January 2, 1988, thereby […]

Ashpohtag Home Invasion

All three suspects face criminal charges By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo Two young men broke into the home of Thomas Wilkeson, Harrison Conway and Chrystal Marshall at 314 Ashpohtag Road shortly after 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Raymond Santana, 21, of Bronx, New York and Jesse Diaz, 19, of Winsted walked into the house wearing […]

High Speed Internet Voids Likely to Remain

One for the “Cons” List By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo A recurring complaint at town plan meetings over the past few months addresses the problem of voids in high speed internet access throughout Norfolk. Unless the towns in northwestern Connecticut or local internet providers invest millions of dollars in infrastructure, there is little to be done […]

Housatonic Railroad, Reborn in 1983, Continues To Operate

Rare Mileage Trip Offered Aboard the “Berkshire Flyer” By Bob Bumcrot The Central New England Railway that ran through Norfolk from 1899 to 1927, is no more. But the Housatonic Railroad to which it connected in Canaan is alive and well after a period of dormancy. One of the first railroads in the Northeast, the […]

Renewable Energy Plant Proposed for Canaan Valley

Plant will use animal waste to produce green electricity By John Funchion Construction of a proposed $14.3 million, three megawatt, manure to methane energy renewal plant in Canaan Valley in the near future will have minimal affect on the environment, milk production and Norfolk’s rural character. That is the view of Bob Jacquier of Laurelbrook […]

Getting To The Nuts And Bolts of Norfolk

Town plan focuses on infrastructure By Veronica Burns About 25 people, mostly members of town commissions and services, met on March 20 at Town Hall to continue the process of creating a town plan. Under the able tutelage of the plan consultant, Glenn Chalder of Planimetrics, topics ranged from sewers to sidewalks. The goal of […]

Out and About

On the Set of “The Vicious Kind” By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo The powerful light of the full moon on the spring equinox was not bright enough for filming an outdoor scene of “The Vicious Kind,” the Lee Krieger film currently being shot in and around Norfolk. The lights on the set were blinding, transforming the […]

Norfolk Forming CERT Team

Volunteers Sought for Emergency Service Hartford has received funds through Homeland Security for a new program called CERT, short for Citizens Emergency Response Team. CERT teams are based in their own communities and have already joined in search and rescue operations. Kitty Hillson, a certified instructor in emergency management, is looking for 20 good volunteers in […]

Charles Fidlar to Lead Torrington Symphony in Pops Concert March 15

Hartford-born musician hails from a musical family By John G. Funchion A lifetime of music for Norfolk’s Charles Fidlar has taken him on a journey that ranged from singing and directing in world capitals to his current positions as choral director at Regional 7 and music director of the Torrington Symphony. Fidlar, a resident of […]

Briefly . . .

More on the Anniversary Celebrations Norfolk Now is seeking a grant to put out a special anniversary issue on August 1, and the Lions Club has voted to enter a float in the parade…   New At the Speckled Hen Chef Victoria Canas is offering a special menu of Mexican dishes every Tuesday and Thursday […]