Battell Fountain Is (Nearly) Back — Bring on the Band

Months-long restoration nearing completion by Andra Moss Since 1889, the Joseph Battell Memorial Fountain has greeted travelers as they approached the Norfolk village green from the south on Litchfield Road. The fountain’s unveiling on Sept. 27 of that year was heralded by the horns of a 24-piece military band (twice, in fact, once at 3 […]

Let It Roll — Bocce Is Back

The 3rd annual Norfolk Bocce Tournament will roll out on the court behind Ten Station Place on Sunday, October 3rd at noon. It’s fun, free and for all ages. Simply email organizer Lindsey Boucher at to be placed on a team, let her know about an existing team of two to four players or for […]

August Board of Selectman Meeting

By Ruth Melville The health effects of the Covid pandemic continue to keep us all concerned. With that said, we are asking everyone to please continue to heed the advice of the CDC and health professionals: wear a mask in enclosed public spaces, wash your hands frequently and if you have not yet received your […]

Library Launches Children’s Literature Festival

By Kelly Kandra Hughes One of the Norfolk Library’s most successful Fall 2020 programs featured noted children’s historian Dr. By the next day, they were brainstorming ways to bring Dr. Marcus back. The discussion grew into a new idea—what if, instead of a single lecture, the library hosted a children’s literature celebration? They could make […]

Update on Haystack Woods Development

by Susan MacEachron The proposed Haystack Woods affordable housing development is under review by the Inland Wetlands Agency and Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z). The original plan for 19 homes to be built in two phases with a private road for access was approved several years ago. P&Z created a special overlay zone to accommodate […]

Lion’s Club 2021 Scholarship Winners

by Doug McDevitt Each year the Norfolk Lions Club selects graduating high school seniors from Norfolk to receive a $500 scholarship that can be used for anything from tuition to books. The Lions Club selects these seniors on the basis of their academic accomplishments, community involvement and volunteerism. This year’s winners are Xavier Langendorfer, Kendra […]

Northwestern Regional Graduates Celebrate Together

Celebration caps off the high school years by Charlotte McDevitt Usually, Northwestern Regional’s graduation takes place at the Warner Theatre in Torrington. This year, due to Covid, it was moved to Dunkin’ Donuts Park in Hartford, which provided a socially distanced and open-air arena for the graduates, administration, and family. Covid made it difficult for […]

Thunderstruck at Botelle’s Promotion

by Virginia Coleman-Prisco The 2020-2021 school year has been anything but boring. June 14, 2021 was a very exciting day at Botelle School.  As the sixth grade, their families, and school staff were preparing for the class’ Promotion, a thunderstorm barreled through Norfolk.  Lightning from the storm hit an exhaust vent on the roof and […]

Inland Wetlands Agency Meeting

At the June 7, 2021 Inlands Wetlands Agency meeting, Kate Johnson, president of the Foundation for Norfolk Living, asked the agency for an extension of the public hearing. The request was approved and the extension was granted until July 12.  Johnson assured the agency members that the revised plans and analysis would be received in […]

Iacino Resigns as Norfolk Tax Assessor

Is taking full-time job in Winsted by Susan MacEachron Tax Assessor Cory Iacino, who was hired as a shared resource by Norfolk and Colebrook in the fall of 2019 when long-time Assessor Michele Sloan retired, has accepted a full-time position in Winsted. Her last day in Norfolk was June 22. For the past six months […]