Defined Benefit Plan Lump Sum Offer Concludes
Eye on Town Government by Susan MacEachron Two thirds of the participants in the town’s retirement plan have opted to accept an offer of a lump-sum payout instead of monthly benefits under the Defined Benefit Plan. The window to accept the offer of the lump sum closed on March 15, and of the 25 participants […]
March Meeting of the Board of Selectman
Eye on Town Government by Ruth Melville The Board of Selectman approved five appointees to the Farmers Market Committee at the March 3 meeting. They are Marie-Christine Perry, Jennie Rackliffe, Richard Tomaselli, George Vinick and Chad Achenbach. First Selectman Matt Riiska said that he had spoken with the market manager, Lisa Auclair, and that the […]
EDC Working to Create a Norfolk Brand
By Ruth Melville How to brand the town of Norfolk, in the hopes of attracting visitors and new residents, was the main topic of discussion at the March meeting of the Economic Development Commission (EDC). It’s easy to imagine how you might brand toothpaste or a new SUV, but what does it mean for a […]
Board of Finance Hears Budget Proposal from Botelle School Board
by Susan MacEachron First Selectman Matt Riiska reported that all is well with the town’s current finances at the Board of Finance (BoF) meeting on March 9. Chairman Michael Sconyers said the Botelle School budget would be the focus of the meeting, but the BoF would return to a review of the selectmen’s budget […]
Regional 7 Presents Its Budget for 2021-2022
By Susan MacEachron The Northwest Regional 7 (NWR7) Board of Education budget for the 2021-2022 academic year was proposed to the town of Norfolk on March 17 by board chair Molly Sexton Read. The town’s assessment is estimated to be $1.6 million in the NWR7 working budget document. NWR7 presents its proposed budget to each […]
Scholarships Available to Norfolk Students
Students in Norfolk have several options this year for scholarships available to them. For graduating high school students, scholarships are available from the Norfolk Connecticut Children’s Foundation (NCCF). The application is available online at, and must be submitted by April 18, 2021. Graduating students taking a gap year or not matriculating directly to college or […]
Repairing the Church Clock Tower
The next phase of the steeple renovation project has begun. The steeple committee for the Church of Christ Congregational is meeting with engineering and architectural firms gathering proposals and soliciting bids for the work on this historic landmark. A member of the committee, Kate Johnson is shown here up inside the clock tower examining the […]
Petition Against Third Wind Turbine Going to Court
by Ruth Melville Opposition to construction of a third, larger wind turbine on Flagg Hill Road in Colebrook is moving ahead with a hearing set next month in Superior Court. A petition to the state Superior Court seeks to appeal the Connecticut Siting Council’s decision last spring to allow the construction of the new turbine, […]