Town Clerk Discusses Ballot Ceremony

By Wiley Wood Close to 80 percent of Norfolk voters are likely to vote in the municipal election on Tuesday, November 5. But only a small fraction, according to Town Clerk Linda Perkins, are likely to read the instructions on the back of the ballot. It’s too bad, says Perkins, because lots of people make […]

Lightning Strikes Pine on Old Goshen Rd.

Lightning struck this white pine along Old Goshen Road on the night of September 1, knocking out power in the nearby house and many of the electronic devices, according to owner Paul Wagner. Situated at the highest part of the road, Wagner’s house had the power knocked out by a pair of lightning strikes two […]

DEEP Commissioner Praises Norfolk Land Trust

Dan Esty, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, spoke at a ceremony formally opening the Norfolk Land Trust’s Pine Mountain property to the public. His agency provided almost $300,000 of the land’s cost. Esty praised the Norfolk Land Trust for its success in putting together the public and private funds to […]

Aija Moves Into Hardware Store Building Across Street

By Janet Gokay Why did the chicken cross the road? We put this question to Bella Erder, owner of Aija, the gift, jewelry and accessory store currently on the second floor of the Royal Arcanum Building downtown. On Nov. 1 she will be moving across the street to 6 Station Place, which has laid vacant […]

Norfolk 2023! Event Draws Strong Community Support

By Wiley Wood When the doors of Infinity Hall opened at 9:30 a.m. on October 5, the staff of Norfolk Now wondered a little nervously why anyone would give up a perfectly good Saturday morning to wrangle about Norfolk’s future. In fact, just over 150 residents of Norfolk attended, and their reasons appeared to cover […]

Missing Funds Investigated At Botelle PTO

No money in PTO account for children’s programs By Shelley Harms Members of the Botelle Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization were shocked to discover in September that nearly all the money was missing from the PTO bank account. Only about $1,000 remained of what should have been at least a $12,000 balance, with bills of […]

Miss Eileen’s Twenty-five Years

Eileen Fitzgibbons was recognized for her twenty-five years as head of children’s services at the Norfolk Library, at the August 23 event Under the Tent – the Twenty-Five Years of Summer Reading Extravaganza. Photo by Bruce Frisch.

Mushroom Foray at Aton Forest

Eugene Luby Dolan holds a giant edible mushroom—a grifola frondosa or “hen of the woods”—found at Aton Forest’s workshop on September 14. If you missed it, another Wild Mushroom Workshop led by Andrew Janjigian will be held on October 5, 2-6 p.m. See Community News for details. Photo by Andrew Janjigian.

Eye On Town Government

Pension Plans, Affordable Housing Addressed At Town Hall By Wiley Wood Changing the pension plan for town employees from a “defined benefit plan” to a “defined contribution plan” sounds like a subject for serious policy wonks. But First Selectman Sue Dyer is, in fact, a serious policy wonk, and she has pursued the issue through […]

We Are Getting Closer!

The Norfolk Curling Club reached a milestone earlier this month with an important step in the ice-making process. Cement was poured in the new building and once it is cured, the boardwalk will be constructed and the rink flooded. “If all goes as planned,” says club president Mary Fanette, “we will be curling again in […]