Taylor Receives Congressional Medal
Elizabeth “Betty” Taylor, long active in the Norfolk community, holds her Congressional Gold Medal, which she recently received for her service in World War II as a WASP (Women’s Air Force Service Pilot). Taylor was one of the first women in history to fly American military aircraft. Only 300 of the 1,100 […]
So Much More Than Just Flowers
Norfolk-Colebrook Garden Club By Rosanna Trestman There was a time when the words “garden club” evoked images of flower arrangements being fussed over by ladies of a certain age. But times have changed, and the Norfolk-Colebrook Garden Club emphasizes how things grow, rather than how they look on a table. Still, certain traditions persist. Despite […]
ArtsWave! Rolls into Norfolk
By Bob Bumcrot The events calendar for Norfolk ArtsWave!, a celebration of the arts scheduled for August 13 to15, will soon be available in a professionally designed guide that will be distributed in Norfolk, throughout the region and on the web at NorfolkArtsWave!.org. “This will be one singular sensation for Norfolkians and visitors from near […]
The Bishops are Coming
From left to right: James Curry, Laura Ahrens and Ian Douglas. By Linda Pizzica The Church of the Transfiguration, an Episcopal church on Mills Way, will host four Connecticut bishops this summer. Because it is a summer church, the only one of its kind under the auspices of the […]
Norfolk Board of Selectmen and Economic Development Commission Meetings
Eye on Town Government By Bridgette L. Rallo Norfolk’s Town Hall, the public works facility and the sewer plant will undergo an energy audit performed by Source One, a firm recommended by the town’s Energy Task Force after reviewing several applications from competing firms. Funds to pay for the audit will come from a state […]
Norfolk Conservation Commission to Offer Ornamental Plant Exchange
Photos show barberry (on the Left), with its round leaves clustered along the stem and Euonymus alatus or burning bush (on the right), with pointed leaves and the beginnings of its corky stem “wings“. Who can resist the nursery catalogs offering “burning bush” with its attractive shape and brilliant fall color, or barberry, with its rows of […]
Norfolk Goes to the Dogs
P & Z Okays small animal clinic By Lloyd Garrison Norfolk’s Planning & Zoning Commission (P & Z) has approved Dr. Kim Maynard’s application for a special permit to establish a clinic for small animals inside the town’s village residential zone. The commission voted unanimously to waive the five-acre zoning requirement for kennels and veterinary […]
Planning and Zoning Board Enforcement Law Defeated at Town Meeting
By Bridgette L. Rallo Members of the Norfolk Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) have worked on a draft for a new zoning violation enforcement law for two years. But when it was presented to residents at the annual town meeting on May 10, it was defeated by a two-to-one margin. According to P&Z Chairman Bill […]
A Course with Distinction
By Barbara Perkins As evidenced by the Alfredo Taylor buildings, the Stanford White fountain on the Village Green and the Tiffany windows at the library, Congregational Church and the Manor House, Norfolk is home to numerous works by world renowned architects, artisans and craftsmen. And in true Norfolk fashion, all of these works, though stunning […]
Town Passes Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget
Small tax increase approved By Bridgette L. Rallo Norfolk residents voted to pass the budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year with little fanfare and no discussion at the annual town meeting, which took place on May 10 in the Botelle Elementary School Hall of Flags. Property owners can expect a small tax increase of 3.81 […]