Local photographer and singer is the featured artist

March Library Show By Katie Atkinson A collection of Kathy Griswold’s photographs of Norfolk will be featured in a show at the Norfolk Library this month. Griswold’s photographs offer the viewer a symphony of beauty, color and an insider’s view of Norfolk. You can feel the artist’s enthusiastic and vibrant personality shining through her work. […]

View From The Green

Winter Musings By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo My husband gave me a beautiful book for Christmas, When Wanderers Cease to Roam: a Traveler’s Journal of Staying Put, by Vivian Swift, a former assistant Vice President at Christie’s auction house. Swift traveled around the world for twenty years before settling down on the Long Island Sound and […]

Taconic Learning Center Offers Array of Courses

Learning is a Lifelong Art By Colleen Gundlach What are some of the worst mistakes ever made in history? Was one of them General Longstreet’s second assault at Gettysburg? How about King George and his ministers forcing the North American colonists into the revolution? A study of such world-changing mistakes is being presented this semester […]

Staying Safe in the Icebox

Winter Safety Tips for Connecticut’s Coldest Town By Colleen Gundlach Norfolk’s designation as the Icebox of Connecticut was not assigned arbitrarily. Anyone who has lived through a winter in this (ice) burg knows well the feeling of arriving at work in another town dressed like Nanook of the North, only to find no snow on […]

Norfolk’s December Weather and a Yearly Summary for 2009

Average month closes an average year By Russell Russ The last month of 2009 was fairly average all around. The month’s high temperature of 60 degrees was observed on December 3. This was a record high temperature for that date, beating the old record of 58 degrees set in 2001. The low temperature of 2 […]

Bridge Work on Route 272 over Hall Meadow Brook to Continue Until November

By Bridget Rallo According to the Connecticut Department of Transportation, construction work will continue through most of the year on the Route 272 (Litchfield Road) bridge over Hall Meadow Brook in Norfolk. Hemlock Construction of Torrington submitted the winning bid of $1,107,671.74 in August of 2009. The project consists of the replacement of the bridge […]

No change of use possible for Town Meadow

By Bridgette L. Rallo City Meadow (commonly known as the Town Meadow) will probably remain a wetland, according to civil engineer and soil scientist Ralph Stanton, unless the town is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement stringent environmental safeguards. Even if that were possible in these tough economic times, the United […]

Library Celebrates Five Star Status

Approximately 100 guests gathered at Norfolk library to celebrate its ranking as a “5 Star Library”. 83 such libraries were awarded nationally. Photo By Bruce Frisch

Sarah Garrison – A Tribute

By Rosanna Trestman No fewer than 350 people filled Norfolk’s Church of Christ Congregational on a cold but sparkling Saturday early last month. The impressive turnout gathered to pay tribute to Sarah Crocker Garrison who died December 18, at age 75. What unfolded inside was a long and moving celebration of her life. The service […]

A Beautiful Vista Preserved

Norfolk Land Trust recently acquired the conservation easement on approximately 87 acres between West Side Road and Route 272.