Station Place Café Serves Up Good Food and Lively Conversation

Spotlight on Town Business   By Colleen Gundlach To build a successful business in Norfolk, it takes a special kind of strong and business-savvy person. That person needs to be able to know instinctively what the 1,500 or so locals need year-round and what the expanded summer population wants during their few months here. In […]

Winter WIN

It was hardly a winter wonderland in Norfolk for Winter WIN, but plenty of people showed up anyway. At 40 degrees, ice skating and sledding were off the schedule, but there was still plenty of fun to be had indoors and out. Visitors. above, enjoyed s’mores and hot chocolate on the patio of Infinity Bistro. […]

Candidate Visits Norfolk on WIN Weekend

One of the visitors Winter WIN attracted to town was Salisbury resident and Democrat Maria Horn, who recently announced her campaign to run for state representative for the 64th District, the seat currently held by Republican Brian Ohler. Horn is a former federal prosecutor and a member of the Salisbury Board of Finance. In a […]

Curling Club Celebrates the Olympics

The sport of curling is an important part of Norfolk winter life, but it’s not a passion that’s much shared among the general population. But every four years, during the Winter Olympics, curling takes its place on the world stage. In honor of this year’s Olympics, the Norfolk Curling Club hosted a day of special […]

Isabellas Perform Women’s Poetry of World War I

For this year’s annual production, “Scars Upon My Heart,” the Isabella Players presented a reading of women’s poetry from World War I. The somber and moving performance began with the players, all dressed in black, filing into the chapel singing the patriotic hymn “Jerusalem.” Ann Havemeyer introduced the readings by explaining the importance of poetry […]

Children Learn by Giving

Throughout November and December the children and staff of Norfolk Early Learning Center worked together to emphasize kindness and the importance of community. The children in NELC’s school-age program compiled a list of ideas and activities that would help others or simply make their day better. This included baking cookies for the fire department, making […]

Norfolk Community Garden Flourishes at Botelle School

  By Gabby Nelson Walking through the Norfolk Community Garden behind Botelle School in midwinter, one may not be greeted by the same lush show as in midsummer, but there is evidence everywhere of promise for the season to come. The picnic tables sitting on a brick patio in the center of the garden wait […]

New Section of Rail Trail to Be Opened for Winter WIN

  By Wiley Wood One of the groups hosting an event when the town celebrates Winter Weekend in Norfolk on Feb. 24 and 25 is the Norfolk Rails to Trails Committee, which has created a new trail on the north side of Haystack State Park and is inviting the public to come try it out. […]

Consolini & Tonan: Planting Gardens, Building Community

  By Ruth Melville Marc Tonan and Marialisa Consolini, the co-owners of Consolini & Tonan Landscape Design, have been working together, on and off, for over 25 years. Both gardeners got an early start on their future careers. When he was only 11 years old, Tonan was hired by Fred and Mary Ann McGourty to […]

State Biologists Call on Public to Report Bobcat Sightings

  By Jude Mead Have you seen a bobcat lately? Have you spotted a footprint of one in the snow? If so, then Jason Hawley, a wildlife biologist with the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), would like to know. Hawley said the state is conducting a bobcat study to evaluate the habitat and […]