Eye on Town Government

Board of Selectmen April Meeting By Ruth Melville In the main item of business at the Board of Selectmen (BoS) meeting on April 3, First Selectman Matt Riiska raised the question of the Town of Norfolk’s 25-year $4 million loan from Dime Bank to pay for the reconstruction of Maple Ave and the new roof […]

Board of Selectmen Approves Changes to Pension Plan

By Ruth Melville Susan MacEachron, chair of the town Retirement Plan Committee, attended the first part of the Jan. 10 special meeting of the Board of Selectmen (BoS) by phone to present the committee’s recommendations on the town’s pension plan. The BoS then voted (1) to terminate the defined benefit (DB) plan, (2) to offer […]

Changes Made to Norfolk Pension Plan

Town to purchase annuity contract By Susan MacEachron At a meeting on Jan. 10, the Norfolk Board of Selectmen voted to terminate the legacy defined benefit (DB) plan. An annuity contract will be purchased to provide the same monthly benefits to the six current retirees and the two active employees who are vested in the […]

Agenda at Selectmen’s Meeting Includes Storm Damage, Road Work, Firehouse

By Ruth Melville At its Nov. 1 meeting, the Board of Selectmen voted to extend Joe Stannard’s term on the Historic District Commission to Nov. 30, 2028. First Selectman Matt Riiska reported that Michael Halloran is retiring as Norfolk’s zoning enforcement officer. Colebrook’s zoning enforcement officer has expressed an interest in the position. Riiska said […]