Behind the numbers
Botelle Test Scores slow to recover after the pandemic By Avice Meehan When the Norfolk Board of Education meets in mid-November, Botelle Elementary School Principal Lauren Valentino will provide an update about student progress and the start of the new academic year. One metric that will be discussed is something called the Smarter Balanced Assessment. […]
Town and Gown, Norfolk Style
By Avice Meehan It takes less than five minutes to travel the distance between Town Hall on Maple Avenue and Botelle Elementary School on Route 44, yet the gulf between these two pillars of Norfolk life is substantial. First Selectman Matt Riiska has become a vocal proponent of restarting conversations with the Town of Colebrook […]
Community News
Art Exhibit at the Hub—Sean SweeneyArtist Sean Sweeney will show his mixed media works at the Norfolk Hub gallery space from Nov. 3 to Dec. 18. “Echoes & Vibrations” uses paint, printmaking and collage to reflect energy interacting with nature. A reception will be held on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 3 to 5 p.m. Jessica […]
Eye on Town Government: Fire Marshall Gives Botelle a Positive Report
By Avice Meehan The Board of Education met Sept. 3 at Botelle Elementary School to review the most recent inspection by Fire Marshall Keith Byrne and receive an update on the first day of school. In his presentation, Byrne reported that results of the annual walk through were largely positive, noting that old outlets need […]
Families, Staff ready for a new school year at Botelle
By Avice Meehan What’s better than starting the first day of school with a new pair of sneakers, new leadership at the Board of Education and a school building that truly sparkles? Norfolk families and the staff at Botelle Elementary School spent the last weeks of August getting ready for the opening bell on Aug. […]
Déjà Vu All Over Again
Selectmen Seek Conversation About Collaboration By Avice Meehan Nearly a decade after Norfolk and Colebrook failed to reach agreement on creating a new regional school district that would combine their elementary schools, the issue is back on the front burner thanks to a column from Matt Riiska, Norfolk’s first selectman. Riiska, a veteran of a […]
Courts are in Season
The public courts at Botelle School have been newly resurfaced and are ready for prime racquet time. Caleb and Rose Saxe are enjoying one of the four pickleball courts that overlay two beautifully refreshed tennis courts.
Selectman’s Corner
Considering the question of school consolidation… again By Matt Riiska For several years there have been discussions regarding the consolidation of school resources with our neighboring towns and member towns of Regional 7. In the early 1990s the member towns of Regional 7 studied and developed a plan to combine grades pre-K to 12 into […]
Celebrating Earth Day
Botelle School had a full day Earth Day celebration on Monday, April 22. The Norfolk Library’s Eileen Fitzgibbons and Bina Thomson read nature stories and led a wildflower seedpod workshop with each class. Second graders Lyko Whitaker, Isla Regis, and Charlie Crawford are shown above (from left to right) mushing up recycled paper and water […]
Community News
Collage ClassExplore the art of collage with Tom Hlas on Wednesday, May 1, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Norfolk Hub. The class is limited to 10 participants, and registration is required. Fee is $20. Art Exhibit: Lisa HamiltonPaintings by Norfolk resident Lisa Hamilton are on display at the Norfolk Library during the month of May […]