Norfolk Then…

Photo courtesy of the Norfolk Historical Society The North Middle School on Ashpohtag Road was one of eleven district schools that served children across Norfolk’s widely scattered settlement in the 19th century. Most were one-room schoolhouses equipped with a pot-bellied stove, and teachers boarded in homes nearby. One notable student who began her education at […]

Choral Union Prepares Musical Tribute to Its History in Norfolk

Continuing the tradition to honor the composer By Patricia Platt The Litchfield County Choral Union (LCCU) and Yale’s Norfolk Summer School of Music will celebrate the chorus’ first concert at the Music Shed since 2019 with a tribute to its role in Norfolk’s musical history. The concert will present the pieces that were sung at […]

Norfolk Then

The Hillhurst Hotel stood at the northeast corner of Laurel Way and Maple Avenue. Originally a farmhouse, it was enlarged twice to accommodate 100 summer visitors. With an elevation of 1,400 feet and expansive views to the west, the Hillhurst attracted many guests, some of whom spent the entire summer there. A porch ran the […]