Record Library Book Sale

Bridget Starr Taylor, chair and chief book wrangler for the annual Norfolk Library book sale, stood for a quiet moment on Sunday, Aug. 25. Book dealers, connoisseurs, readers and bargain hunters lined up around the corner before the sale opened on Saturday and swarmed the tent when Taylor cut the tape. Said one observer, “That […]

Community News

Calling Young Artists from Norfolk and ColebrookThe application deadline for applications for the Battell Arts Foundation Scholarships is Friday, Sept. 20 Young artists in Norfolk and Colebrook are urged to act! These scholarships are offered to students in Grades 3 to 12 who are pursuing an interest in the music, visual arts, drama, literary and […]

Community News

Hemlock Wooly Adelgid LectureThe Annual Ted Beyers Doolittle lecture this year will be titled “Got… Wooly?” and will focus on the Hemlock woolly adelgid, an invasive insect native to East Asia that is sucking sap from our eastern hemlock and spruce trees, leading to their death. Dr. Carole Cheah from the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station […]

Stilt Walkers Delight All Ages at Library Associates’ Party

Community News

Volunteers Needed—Free Concert Tickets! The Norfolk Chamber Music Festival is looking for community ushers for Friday and Saturday evenings, July 5 to Aug. 10 at the Music Shed. Ushers will take tickets, hand out programs and guide people to seats. In return, ushers receive free admission to concerts. Ushers must have proof of vaccination. Contact Tom […]

Community News

Norfolk Hosts Dragon Boat Festival The Connecticut-Asia Cultural Center will hold a Dragon boat festival on Saturday, June 1, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at its campus at 207A Westside Road. Children will be able to participate in dragon boat racing activities, arts and crafts, and have their photo taken in an actual dragon boat […]

Hope Comes on the Wings of a Moth

Insects under threat worldwide By Avice Meehan Poet and naturalist Susannah Wood admits to having a favorite insect: the Prometheus moth, which she saw for the first time last year on a spice bush in her garden. The moth, with a wingspan the size of a hand, had just emerged and the silky remains of […]

Celebrating Earth Day

Botelle School had a full day Earth Day celebration on Monday, April 22. The Norfolk Library’s Eileen Fitzgibbons and Bina Thomson read nature stories and led a wildflower seedpod workshop with each class. Second graders Lyko Whitaker, Isla Regis, and Charlie Crawford are shown above (from left to right) mushing up recycled paper and water […]

Bookshop Pop-Up to Enliven Downtown Norfolk in May

By Andra Moss A bookstore is opening in downtown Norfolk for the month of May as part of the Norfolk Hub’s pop-up business incubator space in the Royal Arcanum building.  The Dog’s Ear used bookstore is the brainchild of the Norfolk Library director, Ann Havemeyer, and trustees Michael Selleck and Trish Deans. All proceeds will […]

Know Your Neighbor

Christopher Keyes With this piece, Norfolk Now is launching a new series to get to know our neighbors better and to find common ground by talking about our relationship to our exceptional town. How did you come to Norfolk? I came to know Norfolk through friends in the late ’90s. I recall a walk up Dennis […]