Selectman’s Corner

Bridge Repairs move one slow step at a time By Matt Riiska The recent flooding in southern Litchfield County and northern Fairfield County was a reminder of how volatile mother nature can be. I feel sorry for the residents in that area. Seeing the news clips and talking to the agencies assisting in the cleanup […]

South Norfolk Bridges

Temporary solution identified By Susan MacEachron Residents of South Norfolk, impacted by the loss of two bridges in the July 2023 flooding, have met with First Selectman Matt Riiska twice to urge action on installing a temporary bridge. The message they delivered was simple: Three years is too long to wait for the start of […]

Riiska updates BOF on bridge repair costs

By Susan MacEachron The Board of Finance (BoF) heard about the increased cost of replacing the River Place bridge at its meeting on Aug. 13. The bridge reconstruction that began in the spring of 2022 was halted in the fall of 2022 and has recently recommenced. The cost has increased from the original estimate of […]

Updates on town projects at board of finance

By Ruth Melville First Selectman Matt Riiska proposed two appointments at the Aug. 7 meeting of the Board of Selectman: Rebecca Easton as an alternate on the Conservation Commission, and Philip Carr-Harris as an alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Both appointments were approved by the board. In his monthly Selectman’s Report, Riiska first […]

Safety Issues Raised Concerning Washed-Out Bridges

A group of South Norfolk residents met with First Selectman Matt Riiska on Friday, July 19, and presented him with a petition requesting construction of a temporary bridge on either Smith Road or Old Goshen Road, while the town is waiting for the State of Connecticut to start construction of a permanent bridge. Construction is […]