A Look Back at Norfolk’s 2023 Weather

By Russell Russ With an average yearly mean temperature of 48.4 degrees, 3.4 degrees above normal, 2023 was tied with 1998 as Norfolk’s second warmest year over the last 92 years. Eight of 12 months came in as warmer than normal, and six months were ranked in the top 10 for warmth. Most notably, January […]

Community News

Art Exhibit: Jennifer AlmquistRecent photographs by Jennifer Almquist will be on display at the Norfolk Library for the month of February. A Norfolk resident, Almquist has been a freelance photographer for 44 years. She was formerly the owner of the Almquist Gallery in New Preston, arts administrator at the Hotchkiss School and official documentarian of […]

Norfolk Then…

In 1895, Connecticut passed a compulsory education law for children ages eight to 14. With the demise of the one-room schoolhouses scattered throughout the town, Norfolk had to come up with a method of transportation to get children to the larger, centrally located Center School. Rural towns across the country faced a similar challenge. In […]

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