Norfolk Land Trust Partners to Create Forever-Wild Preserve
South Norfolk land will connect with Dennis Hill By Kelly Kandra Hughes Thanks to a new partnership between the Norfolk Land Trust (NLT) and Northeast Wilderness Trust, more of Norfolk’s woodlands will remain forever wild. Northeast Wilderness Trust, a Vermont-based conservation organization, has established a forever-wild conservation easement on a large block of NLT land […]
New Design Speeds Route 44 Retaining Wall Project
Traffic Signals Updated By Avice Meehan The signals that control access through the retaining wall project on Route 44 now have count-down clocks and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) has also added a temporary light at Blackberry Street for motorists trying to enter the construction zone. Those improvements—all intended to lower the stress levels […]
Know Your Neighbor
Sandy Evans is an Active Volunteer By Michael Cobb How did you come to Norfolk? My husband Charlie and I were looking to relocate and settle in a small rural community to raise our daughters. What do you do here?I am currently a Norfolk selectman, president of the Norfolk Lions Club and an EMT with Norfolk […]
Community News
Curling Club Open HouseAs part of Winter Weekend in Norfolk, come to the Norfolk Curling Club to watch curling, enjoy refreshments and learn about this Olympic sport. A Curling Club member will be there all day on Feb. 22, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to explain the action and how curling is scored. There […]