Norfolk Land Trust Partners to Create Forever-Wild Preserve

South Norfolk land will connect with Dennis Hill By Kelly Kandra Hughes Thanks to a new partnership between the Norfolk Land Trust (NLT) and Northeast Wilderness Trust, more of Norfolk’s woodlands will remain forever wild. Northeast Wilderness Trust, a Vermont-based conservation organization, has established a forever-wild conservation easement on a large block of NLT land […]

New Design Speeds Route 44 Retaining Wall Project

Traffic Signals Updated By Avice Meehan The signals that control access through the retaining wall project on Route 44 now have count-down clocks and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) has also added a temporary light at Blackberry Street for motorists trying to enter the construction zone. Those improvements—all intended to lower the stress levels […]

Know Your Neighbor

Sandy Evans is an Active Volunteer By Michael Cobb How did you come to Norfolk? My husband Charlie and I were looking to relocate and settle in a small rural community to raise our daughters.  What do you do here?I am currently a Norfolk selectman, president of the Norfolk Lions Club and an EMT with Norfolk […]

From All Angels

Throughout the month of February, Garet&Co will be returning to Norfolk to present their third annual performance in the Battell Chapel, where each piece will be set in the round.  In this presentation, titled “From All Angles”, the audience will witness the translation of three of the works presented at their fall show.   “Can’t Keep […]

Community News

Curling Club Open HouseAs part of Winter Weekend in Norfolk, come to the Norfolk Curling Club to watch curling, enjoy refreshments and learn about this Olympic sport. A Curling Club member will be there all day on Feb. 22, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to explain the action and how curling is scored. There […]

Norfolk Then

Pictured here is the house built in 1898 by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spofford as their summer home. The son of Ainsworth Spofford, Librarian of Congress, Charles Spofford was an electrical engineer, who would be hired in 1902 to manage London’s underground railway system, converting it from steam to electricity. The Spoffords engaged the architect […]