Out and About: New Yoga Studio in Winsted Welcomes All Levels of Experience

By David Beers It is Friday evening and I am unfolding my tense body on the floor of a storefront in downtown Winsted, which is not the typical thing to be doing on Main Street. At the corner of Elm and Main, two doors down from Rooted Market, is Earthbound Yogi, a new yoga studio […]

Prime Time House Holds Fundraiser In Norfolk

Helping Adults with Mental Illness By Michael Cobb  A lively crowd gathered at Michael Selleck’s house on Greenwoods Road East on Sept. 16 to raise money for Prime Time House, a mental health organization based in Torrington that helps adults with mental illness find employment, education, housing and support. Guests were greeted by volunteers from […]

Sentencing Scheduled In Norfolk Assault Case

By Avice Meehan The young Winchester resident accused of sexually assaulting a Norfolk woman in 2022 accepted a plea agreement and could be formally sentenced as early as Oct. 13 in Litchfield County Court in Torrington. Jason Tyrone Heath, 21, entered a guilty plea on Aug. 4 to two felony charges, attempted sexual assault and […]

Owl Sculpture to Be Unveiled on Robertson Plaza

First installation in a planned sculpture trail By Patricia Platt The Norfolk Community Association (NCA) will unveil Jon Riedeman’s sculpture, the Owl of Good Fortune, at Robertson Plaza on Saturday, Sept. 2, at 2 p.m. The public is invited to the event, which will include an introduction by the NCA, comments by Jon Riedeman, and […]

View From The Green

Do We Need A Land Ethic? By Kathy Robb The people of Norfolk have long known the importance of good land stewardship, as evidenced by the environmental work of Great Mountain Forest, Aton Forest, the Conservation Commission, the Norfolk Land Trust and many other organizations in town. The demands of global human justice—and humanity’s health—require […]

The Old Newgate Coon Club

A Long History of Preserving Tradition, Community and Nature By Jude Mead Sitting atop a hill on Colebrook Road (Route 182) in Norfolk, the Old Newgate Coon Club stands as a testament to the preservation of tradition, community, and nature and is among one of the oldest sporting clubs in Connecticut. It was first established […]

Setting History in Stone

Norfolk Sculptor Participates in Project Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg By Andra Moss In late May, stone carver Adam Paul Heller of Norfolk received an unexpected phone call from the chief architect responsible for the New York State Capitol building. Would he be interested in joining a project underway at the capitol? It was extremely short […]

Rains Delay Spill Cleanup as More Gas Is Found

Cleanup shifts to Maple Avenue Words and photo by Joseph Kelly This summer’s rainy weather, including the severe storms in July that wiped out several bridges in town, has also delayed the ongoing cleanup of last year’s gas spill. As a result, through traffic on Maple Avenue is likely to remain disrupted well into September. […]

Norfolk Salutes Its Volunteers Spotlight on the Library

Galene Kessin My involvement with the Norfolk Library was almost accidental.  I went into the library one day because Comcast had interrupted our phone and internet service and I urgently needed to call my husband Rich, who was in New York.  While I was seated in a comfortable chair in what I now know is […]

Proposed Firehouse Plan Comes Before Wetlands Agency

By Susan MacEachron A full contingent of the Norfolk Volunteer Fire Department (NVFD) attended the Inland Wetlands Agency (Wetlands) meeting on Aug. 7.  NVFD members came to hear the proposed application for the construction of a new firehouse.  Emily Bousaada, a civil engineer from Benesch, outlined the proposal.  Benesch, a professional services firm, was hired […]