Elementary Conversations
Colebrook, Norfolk Selectmen Seek Collaboration By Avice Meehan The Colebrook and Norfolk Boards of Selectmen held a joint meeting on Thursday, Nov. 14, to “restart the conversation” about how the two communities could find ways to collaborate as elementary school enrollments decline. Originally planned for Colebrook Town Hall, the session was moved to the adjacent […]
Fergus Goes for a Ride
By Andra Moss A community dog parade might seem the ideal sniffing ground for a wannabe dog thief, but it is also a setting filled with folks prepared to spring into action to find a furry friend. Such was the case during the annual Halloween dog parade on Oct. 26. Norfolk resident Phee Rosnick left […]
Holiday Happenings for a Festive December
Norfolk Now’s Patricia Platt has ranged far and wide to find a true cornucopia of holiday related happenings across Litchfield and Berkshire counties. Her discoveries range from performances of the “Nutcracker” by the Nutmeg Ballet in Torrington to Christmas fairs to strolls through the grounds of the Mount in Lenox, Mass. Enjoy! Litchfield CountyThe Colebrook […]
Botelle Beat
Student build on Strong Traditions By Lauren Valentino, Principal November is a month rich with tradition at Botelle School. For over two decades, Botelle students, staff and PTO have welcomed local veterans and their families to the annual Veterans Day Assembly, celebrated with song and ceremony. This tradition started in 2003 thanks to music teacher […]
Music in the Stacks
The Norfolk Library celebrates a 30-year legacy of Irish Music By Bina Thomson Norfolk residents can always rely on the library’s annual St. Patrick’s Day concert to meet their need for Irish music. They’ll be given another such chance when famed Irish fiddler Gerry O’Connor performs in the Great Hall at the end of November. […]
The haystack book festival at six: intimate and quirky
By Joe Kelly While Norfolk has long been a well-known destination for art and music, in recent years it’s also become a place to celebrate writing and literature—with much credit for that going to the annual Haystack Book Festival, which celebrated its sixth year this October. For the festival weekend, Haystack pairs writers with other […]
Behind the numbers
Botelle Test Scores slow to recover after the pandemic By Avice Meehan When the Norfolk Board of Education meets in mid-November, Botelle Elementary School Principal Lauren Valentino will provide an update about student progress and the start of the new academic year. One metric that will be discussed is something called the Smarter Balanced Assessment. […]
Town and Gown, Norfolk Style
By Avice Meehan It takes less than five minutes to travel the distance between Town Hall on Maple Avenue and Botelle Elementary School on Route 44, yet the gulf between these two pillars of Norfolk life is substantial. First Selectman Matt Riiska has become a vocal proponent of restarting conversations with the Town of Colebrook […]
SMooth transition at Town Clerk’s office
Nelson steps in as Perkins retires By Avice Meehan After serving as a quiet understudy to Linda Perkins, Norfolk’s long-time town clerk, Deborah Nelson officially stepped into the role on Oct. 8 when she was sworn in to succeed Perkins. It is yet another chapter in a life that has encompassed careers as a paralegal, […]
By Bina Thomson Shelter is a concept on which Jennifer Almquist meditates often. She asks questions like “What does true shelter look like?” and “What is it like to not have it?” Her attempts to answer these questions have led her to curate an art show in the Royal Arcanum Building in Norfolk, titled SHELTER. […]