Two Wheels Bicycles Gears Up in Sheffield

Route 7 shop offers repair and rentals By Andra Moss Norfolk residents will be able to take on the town’s notorious hills with greater ease thanks to a new electric bicycle rental and repair shop just over the Massachusetts border in Sheffield. Those still clinging to the dream of analog, zero-assist bicycles can also rent […]

Future of Norfolk Farmers Market Uncertain, For Now

Long-time head steps down, replacement sought By Michael Cobb Norfolk Farmers Market Manager Lisa Auclair and Market Master Angie Bollard have resigned, leaving both positions open and plans up in the air for next season’s market. Doug McDevitt, Norfolk Farmers Market co-chair, commends their years of commitment, saying, “These individuals have put their hearts and […]

Norfolk Literary Event Hits Its Stride

Haystack Book Festival explores far-ranging topics By Joe Kelly From a small conversation six years ago with a biographer of the poet John Ashberry, Norfolk’s Haystack Book Festival has evolved into a multi-day exploration that remains true to its roots in literature but now ranges into criticism, religion, history, foreign affairs, journalism, domestic politics and […]

Community in Action

Haystack Woods Development Moves Forward By Avice Meehan Sixteen years after the idea first surfaced, the affordable housing development off Old Colony Road is approaching a major milestone: completion of site prep work and road construction. A first coat of asphalt should be laid down before winter if all goes according to plan. The project […]

View From the Green

How did we shape up? By Colleen Gundlach When something momentous happens in a town, it sometimes begins quietly, without fanfare, and quite innocuously. Then slowly, like a snowball rolling down a hill, it gains girth and strength until it becomes a vital source of information and communication in the lives of the townspeople. Such […]

Coston Recognized at “20 Over 50” Honoree

Editor-in-chief of the Lakeville Journal and Millerton News is honored By Carol Kneeland  John Coston, editor-in-chief of The Lakeville Journal and The Millerton News, is one of 20 journalists over the age of 50 to be recognized in the Sept. 1 edition of the trade publication Editor & Publisher (E&P). E&P Editor Robin Blinder wrote […]

Director Brings Film of Overlooked Champion for the Environment to Norfolk

By Andra Moss A documentary highlighting the life and legacy of environmentalist and former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall will be shown on Sunday, Oct. 8, at 3 p.m., at the Norfolk Library. Director John de Graaf will introduce his film, “Stewart Udall and the Politics of Beauty,” and will participate in a discussion and Q&A […]

Norfolk Salutes Its Volunteers: Spotlight on the Norfolk Community Association

Barry Webber & Doreen Kelly Barry Webber Giving back and supporting one’s community has always been a strong calling for me. I’d lived in Norfolk for only two weeks when Sue Dooley hooked me in to help with the Mandy Patinkin concert to benefit Prime Time House—an organization I spent more than 10 years working […]

Up Up and Away

Leaf-Peeping From the Sky By Jude Mead One way to see the fall foliage is hot air ballooning, and Spirit Ballooning LLC is ready to guide you above the colorful display of leaves in Norfolk. The locally owned and operated hot air balloon adventure company ( is based in North Canaan. Darrel Long, owner and […]

This Old Norfolk House

The Grant Homestead By Lindsey Pizzica Rotolo When we were looking at houses in Norfolk about 20 years ago, there were three homes on the market for under one million dollars: two charming but overpriced Victorians in the center of town and a 244-year-old colonial on the Winchester Center town line that looked like it […]