Norfolk’s September 2023 Weather
Fourth Wettest September By Russell Russ In an odd fashion, early September was more summer-like than most of August. August’s high temperature of 80 degrees was reached just once during that month. To the contrary, September had five days above 80 degrees in nearly the first week. Temperatures turned more seasonal after mid-month. The real […]
Cook! For Goodness Sake!
Indigenous Wisdom in the Kitchen By Linda Garrettson It’s October and Christopher Columbus is out, Indigenous people are in. I don’t mind remembering the guy who made all those voyages across the sea when they thought the world was flat, or the fact that he might not have discovered America. My only gripe with Columbus […]
Norfolk Salutes Its Volunteers: Spotlight on the Norfolk Community Association
Barry Webber & Doreen Kelly Barry Webber Giving back and supporting one’s community has always been a strong calling for me. I’d lived in Norfolk for only two weeks when Sue Dooley hooked me in to help with the Mandy Patinkin concert to benefit Prime Time House—an organization I spent more than 10 years working […]
Board of Selectmen: Costs of Repairing Storm Damage
By Ruth Melville The Board of Selectman began their meeting on Sept. 6 by approving a request from Greystone Electronics to use Town Hall as a staging facility during this year’s 24th annual 10-mile road race, on Dec. 16. The town treasurer, Chelsea Dewitt, attended the meeting to seek clarification on two financial questions. First, […]
P&Z Approval Given for Pop-Up Businesses at Royal Arcanum Building
By Susan MacEachron At the Planning & Zoning (P&Z) meeting on Sept. 12 Joseph Hurst, representing the Norfolk Foundation, described the plan for the space in the Royal Arcanum building previously occupied by the Healing Nest and briefly by Dawnie’s Delights. Hurst said the foundation would like to offer the space for a variety of […]
Norfolk’s August 2023 Weather
Humid, But Relatively Average By Russell Russ After an extremely wet and very warm July, August came in fairly average on all accounts. Unlike last year’s August, which was summer-like, ranked as Norfolk’s warmest August on record and also very dry, this August was basically average. It may be nice to have a weather catastrophe […]
Blasting, Gravel and Marijuana
By Susan MacEachron The major item on the agenda of the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) meeting on Aug. 8 was the request from the Foundation for Norfolk Living (Foundation) for additional blasting to clear ledge on the Haystack Woods development site. In a previous P&Z public hearing, the foundation had secured approval to blast […]
Board of Finance Focuses on Repairs
By Susan MacEachron At the Board of Finance (BoF) meeting on Aug. 8, First Selectman Matt Riiska described the multiple road and bridge projects, including those underway before the heavy rains and the work required to repair roads and bridges after the rain. Riiska highlighted the fact that he had been promised that the new […]
The Autumnal Equinox
The Celestial Sphere By Matthew Moore Johnson On Sept. 23, at 2:50 a.m., the Earth will experience the autumnal equinox. The term equinox derives from the Old French equinoxe or Latin aequinoctium (from aqui, equal + nox, noct, night). The equinox is a result of the Earth’s being tilted on its axis 23 1/2 degrees. […]