Crêpes for Mardi Gras

Notes From a French Kitchen by Marie-Christine Perry The holidays are behind us, and after Epiphany and its traditional cake, galette des rois (cake of the kings), the next festive celebration on the French calendar is Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. This is an important day for the French, who make crêpes and beignets that […]

Bread Pudding with Caramel Sauce, a Perfect Holiday Dessert

Notes from a French Kitchen by Marie-Christine Perry Summer has ended and with it the garden’s abundance. The dehydrator has been working full-time, drying the last of the summer bounty: thyme, marjoram, basil, sage and tarragon take turns scenting the air, and I have filled countless recycled Bonne Maman jam jars with their fragrant leaves. […]

It’s Black Currant Season Time for Créme de Cassis

Notes from a French Kitchen By Marie-Christine Perry June is the month black currants come into their own, and therefore, for me, crème de cassis making time! I have in the past bought black currants at my local green market in Brooklyn, where the Korean-American farmer was only too glad to keep his little crop for me, […]

Green Spring Trio

Notes From a French Kitchen by Marie-Christine Perry After a long winter, made longer by confinement, to see nature greening around me turns my thoughts to asparagus, peas and artichokes. I already see the first shoots in my asparagus bed, portent of delightful meals, and I regret that the climate here is not propitious to the […]

Simple, Quick Pastas to Please Everyone

Notes from a Franco-Italian Kitchen by Marie-Christine PErry Having to produce three meals a day, particularly in winter, can be tedious, as limited fresh vegetable offerings tax the imagination of the cook who is not thrilled by the cruciferous family. In my case, I am also limited by the likes and dislikes of my two […]

A Bowl of Soup, the Classic Winter Warmer

Notes from a French Kitchen by Marie-Christine Perry One of the joys of winter for me is soup! From fragrant and creamy tomato and basil soup to the classic potato leek; from hearty minestrone to bacon-scented pumpkin; from thick and spicy black bean soup to clear chicken broth with vermicelli, I can cook all different […]

Adventures in Community-Supported Agriculture

Notes From a French Kitchen Text and Photo by Marie-Christine Perry Early last spring, since my partner Cheryl was going to be working from home because of the pandemic and there would be two of us living full-time here in Norfolk, we decided that to make sure we had access to fresh vegetables and fruits, […]

Sourdough Adventures in Confinement

Notes from a French Kitchen By Marie-Christine Perry As strange as it is for Frenchwomen to tackle bread making, seeing as we are never more than a half block away from a great bakery in French towns and even small villages have their own bakers with pain au levain available everywhere, I had dabbled in trying my […]

Springtime Wild Edibles

By Marie-Christine Perry Before our kitchen gardens start brimming with the first fruits and vegetables, we can turn to foraging to have a few options for fresh greens, flowers and roots as we take walks through woods and meadows. Foraging for wild edibles is a great pleasure, but one must exercise caution. The first rule of foraging […]

A Trip Around the World From Your Pantry

Notes from a French Kitchen By Marie-Christine Perry As our new way of life becomes a routine, we are faced with shopping much less often and more randomly, and with having to be creative with our pantry. If you, like me, are well stocked on the basics and find you are bored with the recipes […]